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Activity for Olin Lathrop‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Answer A: Equipment for driving off road in the Northeast United States
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but there are very few roads in the White Mountains that are open to the public that can't be used by passenger cars. A Subaru Forester would certainly cover pretty much all of them. Unlike out west, here in the northeast, there just aren't forest road...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #275783 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: At what point does a solar charger become more efficient weight wise than batteries?
Let's start by seeing what the largest solar cell you could practically carry hiking could get you. Light weight solar cells are thin and fragile, but let's ignore that for now. Let's say you can mount one on the outside of your pack that is 1x1 foot, or 0.093 square meters. Rounding up to 0.1 m...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #275782 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: Why would a skunk be chasing a human?
That is almost certainly a domesticated skunk. Yes, people do keep skunks as pets. I visited someone once that had a pet skunk. It was actually quite effectionate.
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #275781 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: Are gardening questions on-topic?
Sorry, but I don't think gardening is a valid topic for Outdoors. On SE there was a separate site for gardening, so the distinction was more clear. Yes, it is literaly outdoors, but that's not how the site name is intended to be interpreted. "Outdoors" in this sense means more natural, in the wi...
almost 5 years ago
Answer A: Is a tree that has been standing dead for a year dry enough for firewood?
The dead wood will certainly be dryer than it was when the tree was alive. However, whether it's dry enough is uncertain. Cut it and see. You could offer to cut the tree in return for the wood. Worst case, you store the cordwood under a tarp for a while. You'd probably have to do this anyway. U...
over 6 years ago
Answer A: Portable desalination hand pump filter life?
You can't "filter" dissolved salt from seawater. Either the description you found is dumbed down for the masses, or just plain wrong. It is possible to separate seawater into concentrated brine and fresh water by reverse osmosis. If managed properly, RO membranes last a long time. This is nowaday...
over 6 years ago
Answer A: Why is there no Wilderness Area within Grand Canyon National Park?
This isn't a direct answer, but keep in mind that the protections in a National Park or National Monument are already fairly strong. A Wilderness designation doesn't add as much there as it would in a National Forest or on BLM land, for example. It is therefore not seen as a high priority to create...
over 6 years ago
Answer A: Start a fire with key fob battery?
With just the right equipment in a laboratory setting, you can use the energy in a key fob battery to cause a spark. You can then use that to start a fire under the right conditions. However, that's not going to happen in any realistic back country conditions. The voltage and current capability of...
over 6 years ago
Answer A: Can I use a trail camera to identify a roadside litterer?
A trail camera is unlikely to work. They are motion activated, so will snap pictures of every car passing by. However, you don't just want the picture of the car, you need to show the litterer in the act of tossing the can out the window. The chance of a trail camera taking a shot at just the righ...
over 6 years ago
Answer A: Is there a difference between a hiking trail and a backpacking trail, including if it's the same piece of land?
Hiking is a superset of backpacking. A backpacking trail can be used for hiking, since that's how you move along the trail while backpacking too. Any trail specifically stated to support backpacking would be understood to: Be long enough that sleeping out at least one night actually makes sense. ...
over 6 years ago
Answer A: How do I evade or pacify a bee?
It sounds like you got near a wasp nest. These can be hard to spot, especially the ones that are in the ground. The best way to avoid getting stung more is to move away, than can mean up to 10 meters, especially if you have already been stung. Some wasps and bees release pheromones when they sting...
over 6 years ago
Answer A: What are the best camping sites in Western Massachusetts?
All public campgrounds in western MA are going to be "busy" on weekends in the summer. In fact, I wouldn't even try finding a campsite later than afternoon on Friday or on Saturday. As for hiking, look at maps to see what the hiking opportunities are by each campground you are considering. A good ...
over 6 years ago
Answer A: I have a firestarter disk, but it won&#x2019;t light. How do I use it?
It looks like a grindstone. The two halves would be different fineness. Your friend probably had this in his cooking kit to sharpen knives. This doesn't look like it has anything to do with starting fires. Here is a device that looks very similar to yours. It's clearly for sharpening: This is...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: What are the benefits of saving bats?
You could ask what the importance is of any species or related group of animals. They all have their place in the ecosystem, and there will be consequences when any of them disappear. In the particular case of bats, they are quite beneficial to humans. They eat a good fraction of their body weight...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Why does North Cascades National Park get so few visitors?
I've been to all three, and am not surprised by your statistics. While the North Cascades are certainly pretty and have their own appeal, there just isn't anything well known and iconic there. Mt Ranier, is, well, Mt Ranier. It's a magnificent-looking single peak, well know, and can be seen from t...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Printable maps of the Tony Knowles coastal trail
I don't know that trail, but check OpenStreetMaps. That database has become pretty good in recent years, even for trails. Paper maps are a good failsafe, and bringing a paper map and compass is a good idea. However, a interactive map with live GPS input is really nice to have. There are various t...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Electrical supply at camp site, what are the risks?
The biggest danger is a broken ground wire, and some leakage path from the hot to the chassis of your camper. That puts the whole chassis of the camper at high voltage. That's actually no danger to you if you're in it, but is a danger when you are connected to ground outside and touch the chassis. ...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: How dangerous is it to rummage the ground in the mountains of Nevada desert with venomous creatures out there?
About the only real danger of the ones you mentioned is a scorpion under a rock you just picked up. They do hide in crevasses under rocks during the day. Just be aware that there might be a scorpion under any rock, and pick it up accordingly. For example, if it's a fist-sized rock, don't pick it u...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: How to tell the difference between bobcats and house cats?
Bobcats have short stubby tails. The typical house cat has a tail almost the length of its body. Bobcats have a specific color pattern. House cats have all kinds of colors and patterns due to the human selection and lack of natural selection.
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Is pouring boiling water into a plastic Nalgene bad for you?
Nalgene (probably a trademark, not sure what the generic plastic name is) is not a good material for a water bottle intended to be used in the back country. Nalgene gets brittle over time, even without abuse. I once accidentally dropped a full quart water bottle onto the ground, and it shattered. ...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Hot water system as a heater for car camping?
In the outdoors, the way to deal with cold is not to heat the environment, but to insulate yourself. You say "snow line", so it appears you aren't asking about anything particularly cold. Just get a proper sleeping bag rated for the temperature. Since you are car camping, you can bring some extra ...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Finding dead hummingbirds on my property
I don't know how this works in California, but here in Massachusetts, the Fish and Wildlife folks might want to know about it. Something unusual is going on. Maybe there is some disease going around. Maybe there is something locally that is poisoning the birds. Do there seem to be sufficient blos...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Why was I attacked by a bird (twice)?
You almost certainly got close to a nest. The behavior you describe fits various raptors when intruders get close to a nest. There very likely is a nest up there somewhere. If the nest isn't on the tower, then it is in a nearby tree. The bird being a owl wouldn't be my first thought. A seagull i...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Self inflatable mats: the more air, the more comfortable?
You need the right balance of air pressure. Both too much and too little can reduce comfort. This can be seen by thinking about the limiting cases. With no air, you're directly on the ground. If you could put very high pressure into the mattress without it exploding, the mattress would itself be ...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Alligator free Mangrove or Cypress swamps in the US?
I see that Charlie has already shown that there may be a few cypress swamps that don't have alligators if you go far enough north and inland. However, being in a canoe gives you considerable protection. Alligators aren't going to attack the canoe somehow. In the unlikely event that one will get cu...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Is it easier for shorter people to walk the slopes of a mountain due to a lower center of gravity?
No, center of gravity is not a issue between a tall and short person. That is because the rest of the body scales too. The center of gravity relative to the body height stays the same. Imagine a stool. If you make the legs longer but keep the same footprint, then it would be easier to topple. Ho...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Is a smartphone or dedicated gps receiver better for navigation in the desert?
The GPS receiver in recent tablets and phones is actually quite good. I use a Nexus 7 Android tablet for outdoor navigation, and it works very well. Tablets generally allow you to shut things down more than phones. A phone may always be looking for a cell signal, for example, and thereby wasting p...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: How to avoid trespassing in the United States?
In most states of the US, if there isn't a sign telling you to keep out, or a physical barrier like a fence, you are OK to go there, assuming you were legal where you started from. Of course not all private land is posted with No Trespassing signs. That means you can end up on private land without ...
about 7 years ago
Answer A: What factors should be considered when helping to feed crows/ravens in the yard?
Birds of the genus Corvus are intelligent and generalists. They are not picky, and can survive on lots of different types of food. They are also more able than other birds to find clever ways to get to food. Anything edible that isn't small seed they can't pick up easily will interest them. I've ...
about 7 years ago
Answer A: What animal would chew up trees in West Georgia?
Quick synopsis: Beetles infested tree. See circular holes. Woodpeckers made larger holes to get at the beetles. Tree died. Bark fell off, helped along by animals trying to get to the tasty beetle larva. For more depth, see my answer to the question this is a duplicate of.
about 7 years ago
Answer A: Road trip through the great American West - Anyone have Ideas for locations, areas, or activities?
Here are some points of interest you should definitely include, based on your rough proposed area: Arches National Monument. It's at least worth a day trip thru there. There are some natural arches in other places in the general region, but there is nothing like Arches. Bryce Canyon. The highest...
about 7 years ago
Answer A: What are the busiest months for hiking in the New Hampshire Presidential Mountains?
Early September is the best choice considering the criteria you have given. While it is true that there are less hikers in early June than later in the summer, there are reasons for this. Black flies can be quite annoying then. June is also wetter and muddier than early September. Avoid Labor Day...
about 7 years ago
Answer A: Are statistics about the frequency of crime actually useful in determining how safe a trail is?
The total number of incidents, even over a defined period of time, is meaningless by itself. There is no absolute scale for danger. What we really want to know is how dangerous one thing is relative to another, with the second being something familiar that we have some intuitive sense about. Let's...
about 7 years ago
Answer A: Is it poor etiquette to ask fellow backpackers where they have been/where they are going?
There is nothing wrong with asking people you meet on the trail where there are coming from or going to. This is very normal trail-encounter talk. I've asked people this many times and rarely gotten a negative reaction. Likewise, I've been asked these many times, and never considered it to be inap...
about 7 years ago
Answer A: Is the correct term Canada Goose or Canadian Goose?
The only truly correct term is Branta canadensis. Otherwise, for everyday English, the quote from the suggested edit is completely correct. The colloquial term is "Canada goose". There is a lot of sloppiness with this term in common usage. Most people will understand what you mean if you say "Can...
about 7 years ago
Answer A: How do you safely and legally dispose of old, damaged/unsafe camp stove gas canisters that are still full?
There must be some kind of "free list" or "sell list" where you can give away stuff in your area. Maybe you can find someone that has a stove that is compatible with these things. Perhaps the local outdoor store can help, although they see these free canisters as offsetting sales of new ones. A ou...
about 7 years ago
Answer A: Carrying a bridge camera while hiking with a backpack
I hike a lot with a camera. Put the camera around your neck and one shoulder after putting on the backpack. If the camera is just around your neck, as it would be in a more pure photographic situation, then it bounces around too much when hiking. Putting on the camera after that backpack is import...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: What animal could strip all the bark off the lower 7 feet of this tree?
I originally thought a porcupine did this (see my other answer), but after seeing your new photos and a closer look at the original ones I now have a different theory. Your tree was first infested by some kind of beetle. These beetles burrowed in the cambium layer, making the channels. After the t...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: For outdoor recreation, what are the practical implications of the downsizing of Bears Ears National Monument?
In the US, the designation National Monument or National Park (same thing other than the first created by presidential edict and the second by congress), sets preservation as one of the top goals. The intent is land that is largely to be left alone, and not harvested for various resources. Forest s...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: A winter month in New England - what to do, looking for thru-hikes or other suggestions
You've already done the AT, so know what the terrain of the Berkshires, Green Mountains, and White Mountains is like. Obviously that gets a lot more difficult with 2-6 feet of snow on the ground. With the right gear, it is of course doable, but at too high a hassle level for most people. The Long ...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: Dos and Don'ts in an area signed with the shield "Rabies! Endangered District" in Germany
Even if the existence of rabies in that area is real, there is really very little you would do differently. I live in a area (New England, North America) where rabies is present. In your words, the entire continent is a Gef&#xE4;hrdeter Bezirk. You are always conscious that any wild animal could p...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: Should I activate my beacon if the road to safety is blocked?
If you aren't equipped to handle a situation where you can't drive out as expected, then you don't belong there. Conversely, if you go to such places and situations, you should take enough stuff with you to be able to survive and possibly get out on your own. A tree falling across the road is only ...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: Camping on top of a mountain
First, make sure it is allowed. I'll assume you are talking about the Mt Agassiz in Arizona north of Flagstaff in the Kachina Peaks Wilderness of the Coconino National Forest. While backcountry camping is generally permitted in this region, there may be some restrictions above tree line, and possib...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: Can you get permanent brain damage by spending a day at 10,000ft (~3000m) altitude?
If there were any serious likelyhood of brain damage due to exposure to 10,000 feet or more altitude for just a day, then the city of Cusco would be full of brain-damaged zombies. There are nearly half a million people living in Cusco, for long periods, even their whole lives, at over 10,000 feet. ...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: What's a good overnight hiking loop in New England, within a 3 hour range of Boston?
There isn't a lot of wilderness near Boston, but there are many local trails. Camping is not allowed on most land that local trails pass over. However, it is sometimes possible to get permission. It is probably possible to string together a loop on local trails with pre-arranged camping permission...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: Why did they try so hard to bring the turkey to Europe?
Asking why people wanted to do something in the past is opinion-based, so this question will likely be closed. I'm only guessing, but most likely the desire to establish wild populations of turkeys was to be able to hunt them. I'm not a hunter, but here in New England where wild turkeys are common,...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: Is this rock I found on the Toiyabe Crest Trail an arrowhead?
Yes, that looks like arrow heads I've found in that general area too. Note that it may be a unfinished or discarded piece. There is clear flaking and shaping. It would be very very unlikely for this to have happened by natural causes.
over 7 years ago