Activity for J Bergenâ€
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A: What are some effective ways of reducing itching from a mosquito bite? Clove oil applied to the bite will help. Boil down a strong solution of cloves. Test it on your skin to make sure it doesn't burn or feel too hot. If it does, boil it for longer until it reduces down. Put it on a wet cloth and place the cloth on the bite. Clove oil is a minty, slightly camphorou... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |
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A: If I put a smoker in a shed, does my exhaust have to be at the top of my shed? (Does exhaust height matter)? In a dirty kitchen, Cooking shed. A chimney or stack. Needs be 6 inch's above roof peak. For proper draft. So no back draft. Were the pipe goes threw the roof you need double wall vent pipe. Cut a 12 inch square hole in the roof. Next lay over the hole a 24 inch sheet metal. Cut a hole round in the c... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |
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A: How to clean and cook Asian Carp There's an excellent Asian method. These directions are for a good size carp. Buy 1 short 3/4 inch thick coco lumber, 3 inch wide board. Some places have it in a scrap box. Shape it like a flat hair brush. Drill 6 holes in it offset. Put 6 wood screws in holes, 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inch long. This is to ... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |
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A: What are those white spots on the sea They are wave crests. It's wind folding over the top of waves, which mixes them with air. They're also called white caps. If they're closer to the shore you have a change of water color to a lighter blue. That lighter blue could mean there's coral below or a shallow bottom. Waves do not move fast. Th... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How to check if a fence or cable has electricity without having special tools? They are called weed burners for a reason. Find a long stiff weed. drop it across wire with leaves. In 15 min you will know as to damage to the leaves. Remove weed with long stick, (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: Are there any areas in Southeast Asia where it would be safe to wild-camp with a tent in the mountains? There are many places in Missamis Oriental Philippines, some of the most wild land left in Asia. Once in the mountains you can get lost for weeks. Above the Sky Islands new species are being found. Last year when National Geographic went to Sky Island they found 5 new species of animal & 1 new bi... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How to get a beached pontoon boat back into the water? Yell at some of the fisher boys on or near the beach. Tell them you need the boat in the water. They will be down with palm log rollers & have you in the water in 10 minutes. Give them some money for this. Same as removing boat from water. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: When will a rattlesnake strike? Living in the land that has more types of poison reptiles than any place in the world, I will give this advise: Freeze on sight of a snake. Try to identify the snake. This is important as antivenom must be flown in fast. There are varieties of snakes even in same family of snakes. You do not want ... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: Is there a type of binoculars to view both nature reserves (birds, etc.) at a distance, and airplanes? I find the Bushnel 10 x 90 0r 20x180 do a fair all round job. For around $60 U.S. 70 or 90 mm. lens. 90 is better for low light. 70 for daytime. These are made in China. The India made ones are junk. Remember the further away the more humidity in the way. Any thing over 20x you need a support to hold... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: When back country camping, how do you avoid being attacked by a mountain lion in your sleep? Big cats as a general rule. Like to attack from above. So do not sleep close to steep facings. Sleep Away from cover. Wild cats do not like the smell of humans. They are probably approaching camp for other food than you. Unless very hungry. Do not get up with out shining a light around area first. Mo... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: What are the correct techniques for rescuing someone who has fallen through the ice? If they are above water. Instruct them to turn around. Back to ice. Put there hands on the ice & lever up. This throws the body backwards onto the top of the ice. Next remove your coat shirt belly down on the ice flip it toward them and drag them a foot at a time towards you. as you back off. Tak... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How would navigation be different while hiking at night? You could only travel short distance at night. You would need a snake stick. The death toll is high for night walkers. Most from snake bite. But even the beach has scorpions at night on it. This is not a advisable thing to do unless above 6,000 feet. Or the snake zone. But then you might take a fall... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: Is wax waterproofing more effective than spray for fabric coat? If you can, buy a block of candle wax at a hobby store candle shop. Then buy dry cleaning fluid. Carbon tetra cloride is best, although you may not be allowed to buy that in the U.S. Put your wax in that to dissolve, as much as it will in 24 hours. Paint it on with a brush or spray bottle. This is t... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: What are the downsides to sleeping in a hammock on a multi-day hike? They tend to wrap around you. It's hard to roll over in them. Heat loss can be a disadvantage too, but I live in the tropics so that is an advantage. Where I live it can be hard to find trees. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: Can a compass be thrown off by its surroundings? Mineral deposits can do this. iron deposits are famed for it. Australia in areas. Is famed for this. Also the area at sea were your compass goes from pointing east to magnetic north to west. Off Australia. It is best to take a upto date magnetic variation chart with you before going to a area. These ... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: What are these rusted metal objects found on a beach? This looks like decommissioned harbor mines. At the end of World War II many were removed from river mouths & harbors. Once set out you can not use them again, so they removed the explosive & primer, then dumped the rest close to the place where it had been decommissioned. They were deactivat... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How to light a fire with wet firewood? Look for a small drier to dry stick. Take knife & cut upward into it so tou have feathers on it. Sick bottom in ground. upright light bottom feathers. Have small light tender handy. This will give you about 15 seconds of flame. Build fire up from there. between 2 larger small logs. once fire is g... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: What are the different methods to purify water? The cheap & tight way? 1 box of black trash bags. 24 rubber bands. 12 1/4 inch plastic tubes. 4 foot long. catch container's. fill bags with water. Pull tight at top, put in tubes. secure with rubber bands. run tubes down hill. catch evaporated water in pans. This is drinkable water. I keep a kit... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How does a tree with such an extreme curvature form? Trees such as this in the jungle. Bent in a certain way. By natives tell you something. So the tree was bent. Normally to point in a way to lead you. Such as to a spring, trail, village, or other. Bent as that it could not native to that area be cave or shelter with rock under it this way. If it was ... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How to estimate current speed and direction while swimming at sea? It takes some judging. Stand tall. it is 13 miles to the horizon. Squat 1/2 that is 7 miles So your height to the horizon or a yard stick is better. Rough triangle. That gives you distance. Current float a stick. This takes more skill than I have. But many of the natives in the S Pacific have showed ... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How are the routes of hiking trails determined? Were I live they were first goat trails. Goats pick the easy way. Next waterbuffalo walked them, These were soon hooked to sleds to pull more. & are still in use to walk. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: Riding a bicycle on the beach? They do make a balloon tire a wide one for bikes just for beach riding. That is the way to go on the beach. Takes a wide rim. See often in the Philippines & bikes made for beach & sand ridding. Gear low sand has a lot of drag even with beach or sand tires. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How can I take keys with me while swimming? Kind of like the key keeper on the swim trunks. Some young girls make a cord like that that goes around your ankle to sell at S. Pacific beach's. They seem to work. Elastic cord. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How to react to cattle charging towards you? Cow will run towards you if they think you have feed or milking time. Stand your ground facing them. They will stop about 3 foot from you. A bull charges in a strait line. Head down. You can side step them & work your way to a fence or tree. A cow charges head up. They keep sight of you. If the... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: What are some toilet paper alternatives you could use in the woods? You will find many of the smaller palm trees have a soft inner fiber if split open & dug out with a flat stick. Or coconut fiber removed from green coconuts. Some like silk. Leaves I do not use most have a sharp edge to them so does grass. Just split them open remove soft fibers wad them up &... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: What is a good knife for survival in a forested environment? I use a bullock knife. 24 inch blade. slight drop from the handle. 1/4 thick blue steel 4 inch wide blade. Good point on it. then a slight curve to the blade for cutting threw vines bamboo & such. Then it flattens for use as a draw knife or such. Good for splitting wood cutting vines, knoching co... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How dangerous are polar routes, if an aircraft must land on water or wild land? N Pacific water landing. Summer. 15 min. if in the water. 30 min on the plane raft. On land. 15 min unless you can get a fire going or find a way to stay warm. At -30 below. Longer the warmer it is. Heat is the main thing. With heat for 40 days with water. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: What are these mushrooms found in Fukuoka, Japan? Masshurumu Button Point to button on your shirt. Fairly expensive in Japan. That type fresh. Grown commercial there. Or wild. Close as I can come. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: What's wrong with swimming out far? Not keeping a eye on the tides. Near shore or between islands the tide going out can sweep you out to sea. Once back on the beach it can be a long walk back to your flipflops On hot sand rocks coral & such. Just because you fail to see the shark does not mean he his not there. Other beach goers ... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: What type of fishing lure is this? The name of it was a bomber. Back in the 50s. Very good old lure back then. Or plug. Have used them often in younger years. They were a good fish catcher & have been for years. It seems lures work for a while then quit. As fish get use to seeing them. The fish had not seen that type of lure befo... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: Where can we see genetically pure American Bison, including Yellowstone National Park? For animal viewing. I would go to N Dakota. Drive the back roads not the mains roads. Stop at the badlands see some wild goats & buffalo. Mt Rushmore. Take the ranch roads around from there. Many are still gravel roads. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How can I protect a room from bugs without using mosquito-nets or visible barriers? Mint oil. Mint oil is fatal to all mosquitoes. Some on a rag here & there or mix it with lamp oil & burn it in a lamp. There are also mosquito coils you can burn at night. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: What are good baits for crabbing? For me. Chicken necks tied on a string. Crabs will hold onto them till pulled very close to shore were you dip net them with a flat or strait nose dipnet. Also in box traps the pull up kind if in a boat. Were the sides lay out flat. Or form a pyramid. S Pacific. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: Are square or rectangular tarp shapes more versatile? Going back to WW.2. A shelter half as used by the US. Army. This would form a pup tent with 2 joined or a lean to with one. Sized right for a rain protector over cloths. Kind of rectangle with a triangle at both ends. Buttons & button holes at the top. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: Is this sand dollar with barnacles attached to it at all rare? Where I live sand dollars as such are rare to find until after a storm or typhoon has passed. Then you can find them on the beach. The barnacles are a good food for squid & such, when they're alive. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How to safely rescue someone drowning as an untrained bystander? It is best to throw them a line or float. Use a long stick. They will grab you & take you under with them. Normal way is to sail close with your outrigger & let them grab one. Then set of a flare. To bring other boats. Near shore yell loud bring out the people form a human chain. This is muc... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: What are these fungi that I've found growing on a dead birch? We called them birch ears here. They are antiseptic. If you get cut, slice some and cover the wound with them. But they are not an eating mushroom. (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How should I prepare my body for prolonged exposure to heat? It takes about 2 years to fully get used to heat. A ball cap is not good. Get a vented brim hat. The old straw hats are very good, they absorb moisture, and cool by evaporation. The woven reed cone Asian style hats are good. Wear light colors. Cotton wicks moisture away to help cool. Tropical wool ... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |
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A: How can I desalinate ocean water enough for cleaning or showering? You do not say where you sail. Bamboo jungle style. Take a number of 5 gallon buckets, and half-fill them with sea water. Put a 4 to 6 inch PVC pipe in the center to catch water and paint it black. Add a top of clear sheet plastic. Put a weight in center of the sheet so water runs down & drops in... (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: What are the basic considerations for hammock camping? 1 location. Are there trees or porch's you can use? 2 Insects, snakes, & such. It needs a roof & mosquito net sides. 3 does all zip or fit together tight closed? 4 take a small flashlight to bed with you. 5 There main purpose is to get you of the ground while sleeping. Protect you from insect... (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: What part of the world has the largest variety of corals? Misamis Oriental. Philippines. Running out to the Spartly islands. Varied rock formations & depth of water. Different currents at sea. But you need travel to see the different ones. Each area differs. Not many tour dives. (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: Is it a good Idea to drink grape sap if you have no clean water? I have drank it. These were the big vines that grew to the top of trees. Just cut them & let the water flow into a collector below. Wild grapes here not domestic. I had no ill effects from this. This was in a swamp area that was under water 3 to 4 months a year. So safer than other water avalabl... (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: Waterproofing a sleeping bag Best I could advise is a plastic bag over the end of the bag. It it only gets wet at the bottom do to tent flap. (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: Do some parts of the world really have 12 hours of daylight each day of the entire year? It is very close to a 12 hour day of light every day in the Southern Philippines. The mountains behind were I live have some effect on shorter afternoon. & the sun rises over the S Pacific. We have about 5 months the sun is in the North side of the house. About 7 months the sun is south side. But... (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: What are the risks of stream crossing with bare feet? We do it often in the Philippines. But you can cut your feet. We find there a pair of flip flops improve traction. Easy to pack. Rocks can be slick. (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: Confusion in selecting a tent, too many variables Waterproof. Use parifin. Candle wax. Dissolve in dry cleaning fluid. Just enough to dissolve overnight in it. Shake several times. Paint on with brush. Nothing better except for long life use white bees wax. 1 coat will do. High wind go with a dome tent I think is best. A tent fly over tent is a b... (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: Is there some sort of portable slow CO2 emitter that can be used in conjunction with a bug zapper? In the Philippines. A 1 litter bottle. Cut of top, insert in bottle. Like a funnel. Sugar water a pinch of yeast does work. Or set near light zapper. So very cheap to make. Mint oil. Contact with mint oil is deadly to all mosquitoes. So they avoid that sent. A oil lamp with mint oil burning will r... (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: Trekking in Mongolia without a guide? It is from what I hear. Best to hire a guide. They have a union kind of. To just hire a local they often get beat. With out a guide you get robbed. That is only what I hear. I do live in Asia. So good sources but not first hand. (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: Reasonable precautions against copperheads: will being noisy in copperhead habitat cause them to slither away? Living in the land where there are more types of reptiles than any place in the world. Take with you a staff. Head high. Walk slow. Look before you step. Use staff to poke or shake grass & such where snakes may be. But yes noise helps. Snakes are normally shy. (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: Are there any general rules of thumb for route finding up a mountain without any trails? If it were me. I would take my binoculars the 20x to 180x ones with me. Set up a base camp & study from there the best way to get to the top. You have the valley there with water run off a trail of sorts. You also have the ridge line you may be able to walk. Also try to spot any animal trails yo... (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |