General Q&A about the great outdoors and outdoor pursuits.
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I scanned pp 214-5 of the 2000 book Canada A Visual Journey by Tanya Lloyd Kyi. The rocks at the bottom of this picture, hint that the photographer was standing on the edge of this mountain.
I scanned pp 86-7 of the 2000 book Canada A Visual Journey by Tanya Lloyd Kyi. I'm asking about the image on the left.
I scanned p 22 of the 2000 book Canada A Visual Journey by Tanya Lloyd Kyi. p 21 states "Tchesinkut Lake", but can someone please ID this on Google Maps?
I scanned pp 40-41 of the 2000 book Canada A Visual Journey by Tanya Lloyd Kyi. p 39 identifies this as "Cathedral Mountain", but can somebody please ID this on Google Maps?
3:10 has more video of this location. Chloe's Korean American born and raised in California. I'm guessing this is in California? Can I drive to this location in my BMW 3 Series Sedan? Are there pa...
This has been photographed at least twice . Where is it? Can you drive right up to it? This was photographed back in early July, before it stopped raining completely. I hiked into the hill...
In 1892-1896 Theodore Solomons took this picture of the in the Sierra Nevada mountains. That would put it on the east side of the Ritter Range and likely south of Mt Ritter. Does anyone recogni...
Same factual background as this question, but now presume that my flashlight comes with a strap. Then how best to mount it temporarily to the rental car or RV?
There are basically two bear-resistant containers meant for storing food while backpacking, bear canisters and Ursacks. What are the pros and cons of each?
I have heard of people using powdered instead of regular peanut butter for backpacking, mostly on the theory that it is lighter. How does powdered peanut butter compare to regular peanut butter?
There are two main kinds of railed mounting systems for rifle scopes and some other types of rifle attachments like bipods or lights known as Weaver and Picatinny. What is the compatibility betwee...
Is it safe to carry the 20 lbs propane gas cylinder in the minivan? I have carried the small Coleman's gas cylinder for camping in car trunk but now with family, I am not sure if what's the right ...
I just got a new hunting rifle, scope, and rings. The rifle has a picatinny rail so I am not limited in ring placement the way I would be with some of the other mounting systems. Is there any adva...
Looking at the webcam, it looks like things are still pretty wintery in that area. Being Michiganders, some snow is not going to deter us (we love winter camping), but we at least want to be prepa...
I follow the international rock climbing scene, and we constantly hear of repetitions of hard routes on El Capitan. On Youtube, it is possible to find many videos of strong climbers from all over...
I was hiking through the snow to a frozen alpine lake and it made me wonder if there were ice-skates that would strap directly to a mountaineering boot instead of being a completely separate boot? ...
I need to take either a WFR recert or a WFA before July and am wondering how Covid is affecting them. Both types of classes usually have close contact between participants but I do know they are st...
There’s a special “winter” gas mix available for gas stoves. How is it different from the usual propane/butane mix and why does it work better in low temperatures? (Does it work better in lower tem...
They are said to be little patches that simply stick onto clothing, lasting for 12 hours. They are made from "natural ingredients" and DEET-free so I have my doubts. How well do they work?
While hiking about a quarter-mile from the South Platte river I found these shells in a gravel bank. Most but not all had turned white, and they were in what looked like a gravel bank/deposit ...
Seen in November in the Rincón de Ademuz, Valencian Community, Spain. I'm not sure whether the "tail" is a stinger or just wing cases, and I didn't want to find out! This was a pretty large insect...
Found in the woods next to my home in central Connecticut, USA Trying to identify, i am putting it on a shelf in my room and would like to know what it is
I'm planning a backpacking trip to Juneau with some friends next summer and was interested in taking the North Ridge route to Bullard Mountain (see:
Some of the Yosemite Valley parking lots have communal bear boxes as do some of the trailheads because you are not supposed to store your extra food in your vehicle while you backpack. Bears can't...
I live near Pittsburgh PA, and I just saw a stink bug, possibly the first one I have seen all year. In the last couple of years they have been a major pest. Now they seem to be mostly gone. Where...
In my ongoing effort to cut tent weight we have replaced stakes, changed ground pads, and we're looking at replacing the guylines (no really, it's amazing how much cordage weighs!). At what diamet...
Are there any suggestions on what footwear to wear in a wet climate (specific: Vietnam in September)? The use case would be mostly walking on streets, with occasional hikes in easy but slippery te...
I saw this from r/ontario for Ontario Canada. Can someone pinpoint this on Google Maps? I wanna say ceder right at the top end by the island campsite Some other Redditors commented Opeongo?...
I'm shopping for a new tent and considering a model that comes in two different colors-- bright orange and dark green. Purely-aesthetic preferences aside (ie, like orange more than green), are the...
I saw this from r/ontario for Ontario Canada. Can someone pinpoint this on Google Maps? The OP annunciated "Stouffville area", but someone else wrote I was going to guess Uxbridge. Open horizo...
I hiked Mount Hoffman in Yosemite today and at the top there was this metal plate bolted to the rock with 4 metal rods welded to it. On the side you can also see some rivets so possibly there was s...
In the US, there are plenty of interestingly named features along with lots of really repetitive ones. If I wanted to find out how a mountain/creek/river got its official name, where would I find ...
I am thinking about making some trekking pole baskets with my 3D printer in PLA, the originals having been worn out a long time ago. PLA has problems with heat, how does it do with cold? They won'...
Wolves are going to be removed from the list of animals protected by the Endangered Species Act (pending litigation). They were already delisted in Montana and Idaho and had a hunting season in Wy...
There are several higher altitude forested areas that I go hiking that have burned this summer and I am wondering about how they will be next summer. Dead trees falling on you is always a concern w...
If one were to go looking for cottontail rabbits, what time of day would be the best? I have noticed that it seems like there are more out and about in the afternoon than in the early morning.
I have a 3d printer, and right now I am only using PLA which has a relatively low melting temperature (hot car in the sun or dishwasher would be enough to warp it). I am interested in printing some...
With theis KML circular generator, and this STL generator it is possible to create round 3D printed maps like this one. However, the KML circle isn't perfectly round and that leeds to the bumps on...
Was using a space blanket for warmth over the weekend and found it to be really crinkly, it was really noisy with any movement at all, even just breathing. Are there less noisy/crinkly space blanke...
This weekend I was sitting next to a pond and multiple times there was a crow who had something white in his mouth flying down from a tree to within several feet of the pond's surface, drop the whi...
Lately there has been so much wildfire smoke that it was unpleasant if not quite harmful to go outside. I was looking at the weather websites for a forecast to try and predict when it would be bett...
I have a camping trailer that we keep stocked with food and beverages. When we head out on an impulse trip, it stocked and ready to go. Most of the supplies are canned or dried, so we don't need to...
Looking at a new pair of earmuffs that a NRR (Noise Reduction Rating) or 34 DB. However the fine print says that said rating is for continous noise and not impulse (like gunfire). Why would they be...
I'm looking for easily obtained fuels for an open-cup stove, such as a Trangia, in case I need to top up while travelling. I have a small simple DIY open cup spirit stove, for boiling water when b...
I'm planning on Annapurna base camp or Manaslu circuit trek in December (mostly the end of December). I know December is the winter season in Nepal and is expected to be quite cold at that time. Ha...
I was sorting some old camping equipment at my parents' house and found several butane canisters for a camp stove. One of them has some rust on the metal around the shoulders; it's slightly pitted ...
I have some experience towing with an upright bike I am considering getting a recumbent trike, as my back side does not last as long as my legs. With an upright bike I automatically move my weight ...
Wag bags are used in areas where human waste has to be carried out. How many wag bags should a group pack per day given that plenty of people will try to avoid pooping in the outdoors and that numb...
A few nights ago I saw some minks in the grass right next to a seasonal irrigation canal that is dry most of the year shortly after dark. The irrigation canal has no fish or crawdads in it, because...
As the summer goes on, the cottontail rabbits are getting bigger and at the same time I am seeing fewer of them, presumably as predators whittle their numbers down. What percentage of baby cottonta...