Activity for Peter Taylor
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Comment | Post #284808 |
Of course no-one minds when someone posts scenic pictures on a forum for posting scenic pictures. That doesn't make them on-topic everywhere on the Internet. (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #284939 |
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— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #284939 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: How do I safely ride my road bike in the winter? In terms of visibility, it's wise to have fallbacks. Wear a hi-vis jacket; carry spare batteries for your lights when possible; and check your local laws about wearing lights on your person. You can see when your front light is failing, but your rear light is behind you and probably below your saddle... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #284797 |
@#36377, if you're referring to the photos which Microsoft puts on the Windows lock screen, there's already a way to get quite a lot of detail about them because the lock screen also has a link to click to open a relevant page in a web browser. (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #280370 |
Nothing: it was just a wild extrapolation from knowing that you're a Spanish speaker (and having the strong impression that a native Spanish speaker), and you posting a photo of snow the day after my news was full of stories about record snowfall in Madrid. Now that you mention the avatar I twig what... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #280370 |
In this context, "canals" is more precise than "channels". (Also, since I'm commenting anyway, and because it might amuse you, I saw your username and guessed that you lived in Madrid and were posting a photo taken yesterday or today. I was surprised to see so little snow until I read the caption). (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #279721 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
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A: 2020 - December - Evergreen Trees A tree with a forked trunk about 2 metres across Sabina de la Umbría de Miranda; near La Puebla de San Miguel, Valencia, Spain; November 2020. Taken with my Nikon D5300 and 10-20mm AF-P at 10mm, f/6.3, ISO 250, 1/25 secs. I saw a signpost to this tree off the path I was walking; the light's not i... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #279598 |
@CharlieBrumbaugh, thanks. That hadn't occurred to me, because the crickets and grasshoppers I know are green or brown, but it does indeed look promising for a female (the "tail" appears to actually be an ovipositor) from the suborder *Ensifera* (crickets etc). (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Question | — |
What's this Spanish insect? Seen in November in the Rincón de Ademuz, Valencian Community, Spain. I'm not sure whether the "tail" is a stinger or just wing cases, and I didn't want to find out! This was a pretty large insect, maybe about 5cm long not including the "tail". Insect with long light-to-mid brown legs, a dark b... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #279200 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
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A: 2020 - November - Emptiness Layers of wooded hills, with the occasional cliff-face and a small orchard View from La Tejería; Puebla de San Miguel, Spain; early November 2020. I took this photo just too late for October's autumn colours contest: this is as autumny as the colours get within two hours' drive of where I live.... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #277044 |
Topic suggestion: Islands - Photos which clearly show land surrounded by water. (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #277181 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
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A: 2020 - August - Bugs Some kind of shiny arachnid, I think European Moth Day, 2018-05-11, Devesa de l'Albufera, Valencia, Spain. Shot with Nikon D5300, Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/4 and Kenko 2x NAS Teleplus MC7, ISO 800, f/32, flash. Yes, I know this isn't a moth. The UV lights attracted all kinds of insects and probably ... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #277044 |
Is "bugs" intended to cover *Arthropoda*, *Insecta*, or *Hemiptera*? (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #275823 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
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A: 2020 - June - Flowers Close-up of poppy seed head Cambridge, UK; poppy; June 2018. Nikon D5300; playing with some new macro extension rings. I can't remember what lens I used, which is poor record-keeping. (more) |
— | almost 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #74954 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
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A: 2020 - May - Birds Kestrel head-on with wings spread and tail fanned Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) hovering, Tancat de la Pipa, Valencia, June 2018. Taken with my Nikon D5300 and 70-300mm AF-S at 300mm, f/6.3, ISO 800, 1/4000s. I arrived early for a biodiversity study at a local nature reserve, and found this kestrel... (more) |
— | almost 5 years ago |
Comment | Post #74838 |
@JonEricson, I saw it when it moved. Generally with smaller birds like this the problem isn't so much seeing them in the first place as the bird staying still while the camera focusses (and the autofocus getting the bird rather than a nearby branch). (more) |
— | almost 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #74839 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
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A: 2020 - May - Birds Photo Black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros), Salinas de San Pedro, Murcia, December 2016. Taken with my Nikon D40 and 70-300mm AF-S at 300mm, f/5.6, ISO 200, 1/320s. (more) |
— | almost 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #74838 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
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A: 2020 - May - Birds Photo Fan-tailed warbler (Cisticola juncidis), s'Albufera Natural Park, Mallorca, December 2017. Taken with my Nikon D5300 and 70-300mm AF-S at 300mm, f/6.3, ISO 400, 1/1600s. This photo was taken on a five-day visit to Mallorca specifically to go birdwatching in s'Albufera. It was very clearl... (more) |
— | almost 5 years ago |