Activity for SkipBerneā
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A: Number of people in a boat? The manufacture's user manual will specify the SAFE number of occupants. If the actual number is not available the rule of overall maximum weight capacity / 200lbs yields the maximum number of people. Failing that information a cross comparison of an equivalent sized boat with the same layout/ featur... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: What is the process of winterizing a boat? Winterizing a boat. The issues are 2 fold at a minimum. 1 freeze protection. 2 element protection. Freeze protection - two basic areas engine and water tanks. Water tanks hoses, and fixtures can be protected two ways, evacuation of all water or mixing the existing water with polypropylene glycol ... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: What's the problem with burying toilet paper? Marine grade TP is a good choice for hiking. It is made to dissolve in water rapidly and contains little or no chemicals. Bury in soil and water if possible with stream water... this will also help keep from being tracked by predatory animals. (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: Can I sail a raft on a European river with commercial traffic? You obviously have underestimated the potential for danger, due to self admitted lack of experience on the water. As a blue water sailor for 50 years I strongly suggest you rent a car or take a cruise line as you will either end up in jail or swimming for your life to avoid being pulled under and ch... (more) |
— | about 9 years ago |
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A: What is the aspect ratio of a keel and how does it affect your how your boat sails? The keel does two 'things' ... 'slice' keeps the boat from turning when on a tack, in fact it is the reason you can tack at all. The other purpose is to offset the forces applied on the boat by the sails by leveraging the ballast against them. a skinny keel with a huge mass at the end will prov... (more) |
— | about 9 years ago |
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A: What are the main disadvantages to a kiteboat in terms of long distance bluewater sailing? There are many disadvantages. The most important of which disqualifies this technology from any serious Blue Water sailing ... you can't tack. because of that you are at the mercy of the wind and that is a cruel teacher. The artificial center of gravity issues are for people that want to minimize he... (more) |
— | about 9 years ago |
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A: Changing the shrouds, how would I know how far if I need to? Yikes. hope you like 'glass. a mizzen really is not as useful as a forward spar. a bow sprint would allow you to make a schooner out of that boat and would be a better performer. had both. mizzories make great work bench legs and yard sculpture. a forespar makes for a faster boat. also try never-wet ... (more) |
— | about 9 years ago |
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A: What is the hand-pedal device called on an Open 60 sailboat? It is a 'on-station grinder', a centralized station for turning the winches of the sheets (lines) attached to the clew of a sail. They are multi-speed, meaning you can have a serious mechanical advantage (5, 10, 15, 30:1) under dire conditions that a 2-speed winch with a handle simply can not work un... (more) |
— | about 9 years ago |
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A: Walking through an active railway tunnel during a long distance walk This is the beginning of what WE in the rail industry call a "Trespasser Strike". It is their property and if they catch you in a tunnel they may be arrested and turn you over to the local authorities. Or perhaps you can be run down by a train, if they can't stop from getting you off the tracks. Sta... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: How do I calculate how much lift an outrigger needs? Here is what a sailor with 37Kmiles of blue water sailing thinks ... the out rigger needs to have two properties when used with a canoe, floating displacement, keel side area. with out keel side area, you wont be able to tack, unless the canoe has a centerboard or a dagger board. a good general rule ... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: Most accurate way to judge distances traveled in a kayak? You need to do some research on the area that you are traveling on. Google maps or the NOAA maps using seaclearII.exe will allow you the ability to make a map guide, that you can annotate as you travel. mark off 100 yard and point to point track measurments. If you are going to dead recon from point ... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: What is the longest stretch of bike trail that parallels a navigable river in the US? You might consider .. The C&O canal on the Maryland side of the Potomac starts in harpers ferry ( accessible by rail on Amtrak) and goes to Georgetown DC just past the Key bridge. The end is literally a 1 hour walk back to union station. It can be a week if you want. It is one of the greatest is... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: What should I do if I'm stung by a scorpion? Treat it like it is a snake bite. always have a snake bite kit with you when hiking and camping. As well as a basic first aid kit. Also have an Epi-pen handy. (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: How should I treat poison ivy? Know how to identify it and avoid. that is the only way. Long pants and socks will help, but if you get it on them and use your hands in contact, surprise .. and then ... Homeopathic remedies sound fun but the only way to over come poison ivy is with the expensive soaps that enzymatically break dow... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: How to store a backpack while sleeping? A rope and pulley will keep bears from getting to it and if it is on the ground then it is a target for critters. And then so are you. (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: Sleeping in an inflatable boat Wile the faint of heart might find this answer disturbing, Yes it is fine to sleep on an inflatable boat, if it is durable thick rubber like a Zodiak. I have done so many times, and find it quite relaxing even on the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers. These after all are life raft level construction. Y... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: What are good baits for crabbing? Meat, of any type except dead crabs, on a string or in a net bag. but be quick, a tug on the string and they book! Crab pots typically have a way of holding the bait so it can't be raided from the outside. either a shield or on the bottom. (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |