Number of people in a boat?
Is there a good rule of thumb for number of people in a boat?
I looked on the Hull Idendification plate, but it only had the HIN and max horsepower on it.
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The manufacture's user manual will specify the SAFE number of occupants. If the actual number is not available the rule of overall maximum weight capacity / 200lbs yields the maximum number of people. Failing that information a cross comparison of an equivalent sized boat with the same layout/ features will be a good estimate. Canoes 2-3 max row boats 2-3.
... and Never more that the number of life preservers on board.
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For commercial vessels, such as ferries, most countries do have regulations which boats are assessed against, and a maximum number of passengers are defined for each boat.
There are also a number of countries where this doesn't apply, or where regulations are not enforced.
Update - removed the rest as I see now you are looking at regulations, not physical capacity
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A good rule of thumb would be: Can you move around and have easy access to everything you/everyone need to manoeuvring the vessel.
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