Activity for Russell Steen
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How to treat a severe allergic reaction while hiking? Suppose you are out hiking, many hours from the trail head and someone has a severe allergic reaction (ie, anaphylactic shock or Anaphylaxis). In this case, what is the best course of treatment to maximize their chance of survival until they can reach a hospital? (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: Can a 'Flameless ration heater' be used to safely start a fire? The simple answer is - no. Safely igniting a fire relies on controlled combustion. Improvising ignition out of a device like this is not going to create the sort of controlled combustion I associate with safety. If you can ignite the hydrogen byproduct you are more likely to get an explosive reac... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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What do life jacket ratings mean (Type I, Type II, etc)? Looking at flotation devices (life jackets) they are rated Type I, Type II, etc. What do these rankings mean and what type should I by? (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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How do you avoid Norovirus on the AT? Every year on the AT (Appalachian trail) Norovirus sweeps through like wildfire and the problem only increases as trail density increases. What are the best methods for minimizing risk of contracting Norovirus on the AT? (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: What foods should I avoid when backpacking? Avoid foods that Are sticky or that leave a residue on fingers. It's hard enough to keep hygiene when backpacking. Require refrigeration. Maybe if you know it will be cold enough the whole time... but why Require being cooked through prior to eating (raw meats, etc). Cooking on long hikes is tr... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: What sleeping gear should I use in a lean-to? For a lean-to: Sleeping bag - And other sleeping items for warmth. Ground pad - The floor of the lean-to will chill you almost as quickly as the ground. Also it protects your sleeping bag from dirt, etc. A tarp - This is for hanging across the door if needed to block wind and/or precipitation. (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: Feeling sick after doing the crawl This is most likely either a breathing problem, or a fatigue problem. If your muscles aren't tired at all then it's probably breathing. Given your description it sounds like you are hyperventilating. If your muscles feel like jelly then it means that you're pushing too hard. I've seen plenty of p... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: Is this sand dollar with barnacles attached to it at all rare? For practical purposes, rarity is beyond difficult to answer. Sure there may be a biological survey buried somewhere in some journal, but specific topics like that don't get much traction outside of small specialized communities of biologists. For a heuristic, I have used a combination of google im... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: Are cushioned socks necessary for hiking boots? "Cushioning" can be better achieved with an insole designed for that specific purpose. Since almost all hiking boots allow you to swap insoles, there is no reason to get socks for "cushion". Cushioning also doesn't really help with blisters (though this is hotly debated as you can see here). T... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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What should I do about large trash left by others on USFS land? When you find large trash items left by others in less accessible places, what should be done? The exact scenario: We were hiking a ten mile trail on US Forestry Service land with river crossings and came upon an abandoned tent. It was one of those larger four man, twenty pound tents and damaged be... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: How can I prevent my binoculars from steaming up? You can buy any of a number of anti fog gels and materials that are made for scuba gear, but also work great for binoculars. That said, we always just solved this problem by spitting on the lenses and wiping. It's gross, but it worked. (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: Tips for first-time hikers If this is really your first time hiking, ever... then don't start out in the back country. That's like doing your first climb ever on a Grade V, or your first trip skiing on a black diamond. I would advise the following for "first hikes": Hike no more than five miles Test a mile walk with your p... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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How to retrieve a bear bag when hung with Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) method This site has a good explanation for how to hang a bag PCT style. This may seem obvious but, once the bag is suspended with this method, how do you get it down? Short description of the PCT method Throw rope over limb. Using a carabiner, clip one end to the bag. Pull the bag up. Tie a stick in th... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: How late in the season can you hunt coyote? As you have observed, you can legally hunt them year round; You just will not be as successful. Some times of the year are better than others. The best season for coyotes is late fall / early winter. During the warmer months when prey is plentiful they are going to be harder to call. It all com... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: Precautions when walking through area of crocodiles Crocodiles like water so if you stay away from water you will avoid them entirely. However that also rules out many wonderful destinations to hike. If you are around waters with crocs Avoid backwaters and inlets as they like to hang out in those. Don't go swimming in waters unless you know they... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: Why is it tiring to "keep down" with a slower person on a walk or hike? Simply - it's not. Rather it is not universal. I have hiked for years with my wife who has much shorter legs and a much shorter pace. I have never experienced greater exhaustion due to hiking her pace. It is possible that you are getting more tired because you are taking very slow and deliberate ... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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Is it safe to add boiling water to Mylar? Many pre-packaged meals are designed to cook in the pouch by adding boiling water. If I am making my own meals with mylar pouches, would it be safe too cook them by adding boiling water to the pouch? To be clear, I'm not concerned about it thoroughly cooking the food. I am concerned about chemical... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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How quickly do Oxygen Absorbers "spoil"? I was recently packing my own dehydrated meals for hiking using mylar bags and oxygen absorper packs. The oxygen absorbers come in packs of 10. Generally the process is to prep all your bags and move quickly once the absorbers are opened, but I want details on "how quick". How long do you have bet... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: What animal is making odd footprints and squeaking sounds under my guest house? Those look like fox tracks. We do have foxes in the Southeastern US. They are characterized by having the two middle toes noticeably (almost a full toe) forward of the outer two toes. I've ruled out squirrel, opossum, rabbit, mouse, rat, raccoon, cat, and weasel in the process of my research. For... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: What is an appropriate caliber for hunting mule deer? In theory you could hunt Mule Deer with .223. I had friends who hunt boar with .223 and mule dear aren't really any tougher than a boar. That being said, smaller caliber equals less expansion and kinetic force. That means you have to be more precise. If you are new to hunting, I would go with the... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: Tent floor length relative to height With the assumption that you are backpacking, I would recommend height plus six inches, with the caveat to make sure there is some room to the sides. If you are car camping, then just get a tent palace and enjoy it ;) (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: What's the best way to apply patches to partially waterproof softshell jackets? Stitch and seam seal. As Liam noted, softshells aren't really waterproof. There are plenty of products you could use to glue the patch and it would be more waterproof than the rest of your jacket. Unfortunately it would also be stiffer. When you apply a stiff material to a flexible one it will we... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: How can the attitude that one is a guest in black bear country prevent hassles with bears? I'm assuming that you are not hunting as that would require behaving in different ways. I'm also not discussing camping/camp which is covered very well by this question: What precautions should I take to protect myself and my camp from bears? In black bear territory, but prior to seeing a bear: ... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: Should I use a double or triple broadhead for boars? Three blade broadheads will leave a wider wound channel and thus a better chance for a kill as bow kills are usually blood loss. It can be argued that two blade gets better penetration but, in my opinion, that is just a factor of putting your shot in the right place. Failure to hit the target isn't... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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Can Grizzlies climb trees? I continue year of the bear with more trees. Can grizzly bears climb trees? (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: Why are people so worried about Giardia? I'm going to chime in on a more practical answer. The question is not "What is the scientific case for Giardia". The question is "Why are people so scared of it?" "Or why is everyone so scared of it now, when no one seemed to care before?" Or in other words, we're not talking about how dangerous G... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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Will Black Bears actually follow you up a tree I always see it pointed out, when discussing how to handle/avoid bear encounters, that black bears can climb trees. Granted, but does that matter? Has there ever been a case of a black bear pursuing someone up a tree in order to attack them? It seems logical to me that bears wouldn't fight in a ... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: Do tent colors have functional purposes? If you are stealth camping, it helps to have a tent that blends in. If you are camping where there is hunting, it helps to have a tent with bright, high contrast so that you can be sure you are seen. Also (thanks to Ben Crowell for the comment) you may want tents that blend in for high traffic area... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: Things to consider when approaching deer There are three things deer will pick up on Sound - Especially sharp sounds like leaves crunching and twigs snapping are the worst. Movement - Deer see movement pretty well and will alert on it. Move really slowly. Also be aware of your stance and your heartbeat. For instance, once when sitti... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: Men using a women's trekking backpack It all comes down to fit. Try it on as you would any pack. If it spreads weight the way it should... go for it! (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: How do you get rid of Itching sole? Try benadryl cream. If it stops the itch then you know it's a reaction with the shoe insole and you'll just need to replace the insole. If that doesn't work, try soaking your feet in a hot salt bath and then scrubbing the sole of your foot with a pumice stone. This will remove any skin that is con... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: How can I safely wade through swamps/bogs? A big risk is falling into a stump hole. They can be hard to get out of on dry land, much less while submerged. Carry a stout stick and feel the ground ahead very forcefully. Waders should protect you from hypothermia just fine. After those risks, I would consider critters. Mosquitos love bogs ... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: Where exactly would be the kill of this squirrel? In the picture given: The brown spot beneath the arm is a gut shot. If sitting just like this you'd have to shoot through the arm for a chest shot (and waste most of that meat). In general: Rifle hunting (.22) just shoot for the head. The head is just as big as the chest target area and damages... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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A: Seam tape on tent fly Seam sealant should do just fine. I use this particular one which has worked well for a number of patch jobs. If the exist tape is dirty or damaged then you will want to trip it off and put on new tape. It will interfere with getting good seal. (more) |
— | about 9 years ago |
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A: How do I get mold off my sandals? Start by wetting them so you don't get mold into the air. With a weak Lysol solution, scrub them with a toothbrush. Let them dry, and spray them with MiraZyme. Or as ShemSeger says, just get new ones :) (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: What is the most effective method to clean skin exposed to poison oak? As noted, the key is removing it quickly. If you like to carry around dishsoap, that will work great. However if you do not regularly carry that around, abrasives are a good alternative. I've effectively used the sand at the bottom of a small waterfall to remove the oils and of the entire hiking g... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: Prevent athlete´s foot (re)infection in barefoot shoes? Some options I have used in the past UV Pen - Strong UV Light will kill fungus Anti-Fungal Powder - Works just as well on shoes as it does on toes Anti-Fungal Cream - Same premise (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: What size dry bag is best for keeping and washing clothes? You need two separate bags. Washing clothes requires something be mostly water tight. Storing them requires airflow. These two things are mutually exclusive. For washing, you need movement inside the bag. Figure out what size will just fit your clothes, then buy one size larger. For storage, I ... (more) |
— | almost 10 years ago |
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A: Is it safe to put snow in water filtration? It depends on the filter. Many filters use microtubules. If there is water in the filter and the snow freezes that water then you may crack the microtubules. You'll likely have no indication that you just broke your filter, potentially leading to the consumption of contaminated water. (more) |
— | almost 10 years ago |
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A: Does "dive your deepest dive first" still apply when using a computer? The simple answer is yes. Dive your deepest dive first is a safety mechanism that pairs with other safety mechanisms (like a dive table). Using a computer (or any technology) does not obviate the need for all other safety mechanisms. The computer replaces the dive table, not the safety rules. (more) |
— | almost 10 years ago |
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Why would I want a pressurized hydration pack? I saw an ad today for a pressurized hydration pack. My first thought was "why?". I can't imagine a scenario where this would not lead to (a) more weight, or (b) greater risk of failure... neither of which I'd care for. What are the pros and cons of a pressurized hydration pack? (more) |
— | about 10 years ago |
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A: Field dressing small game in hot climates I've done both. I've never had a problem with squirrel spoiling (disease) in hot climates. However it's going to be safest to empty the guts in the field, as soon as you reasonably can. The goal of course is to get the temperature down as quickly as possible. The method I prefer is to open them... (more) |
— | about 10 years ago |
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A: How to clean vomit from camping gear? I'll caveat this with -- I've never vomited in my gear, nor do I know anyone who has. But I did sit and figure out how I'd try to solve this if it happened to me. Dry the liquid. This will depend on gear and season. Sunshine, freezing cold, or dirt can all work for this. Even cooking material... (more) |
— | over 10 years ago |
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A: Backpack strap chafing I recently had this problem with a pack and have experimented by sewing on a layer of velour. It's much softer and padded. However it is also VERY warm, which may defeat the purpose of going shirtless. (more) |
— | over 10 years ago |
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A: Is there a dose guide for Dexamethasone? You asked about dosing. My recommendation is to get a professional to figure out the dosing. If you cannot get a professional, then do not carry this as you are potentially introducing as much risk as you are mitigating. When carrying a medication such as this for a possible emergency, there are s... (more) |
— | over 10 years ago |
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A: Disposal of Gore-Tex or other membrane products How should I dispose of a GORE-TEX® product in an environmentally safe way? Garments or footwear made from Gore laminates can be safely disposed of just like any other apparel product. Contrary to most other plastics, Polytetrafluoroethyle... (more) |
— | over 10 years ago |
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A: Tent Fly Coloured Reflective Tape I recommend reflective lines for at night, and standard flagging tape for during the day. Both are lightweight and the triptease line really jumps out at night when hit with a light. (more) |
— | over 10 years ago |
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How much spare strap should I leave when trimming a pack down? I'm finally going to take the plunge and trim all the excess cordage and belting off of my pack. How much strap material should I leave to allow for adjustments in gear (adding layers for cold, etc.)? (more) |
— | over 10 years ago |
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A: Survival type activies for Scout camp Get them lost. Basically you want to get them out to where they lose their bearings, and then as a group, get them to find their way home. Good acting helps. If you can pretend you are also lost then they get the mental experience. This is a great way to teach people how to deal with really being... (more) |
— | over 10 years ago |
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A: Group camping - cooking equipment and eating utensils packing list Going to make some assumptions here. Communal cooking People bringing own ingredients, contributions Given the two above Reasonably large pot (two liter) Reasonably large pan (more than 8") Grill surface/fuel. It is hard to advise here without knowing more. But something like this coleman wou... (more) |
— | over 10 years ago |