If your hands get too warm with gloves on, take the gloves off! My hands get sweaty too when shoveling snow. If you keep doing exercise, your hands might be quite comfortable with the gloves off....
I scanned pp 40-41 of the 2000 book Canada A Visual Journey by Tanya Lloyd Kyi. p 39 identifies this as "Cathedral Mountain", but can somebody please ID this on Google Maps?
I scanned pp 243-5 of the 2000 book Canada A Visual Journey by Tanya Lloyd Kyi. The description on p 243 fails to specify the precise location of this image. I don't know the technical term for ...
I reverse Googled this image, and saw Dolomites Mountains listed. Is this correct?
See 7 mins 49 s. The video discusses oil in Norway, so I'm assuming this pictures Norway?
I Reverse Searched this on Google, but all the results are in Korean and I don't speak Korean. Can someone pinpoint this bridge on Google Maps?
While hiking about a quarter-mile from the South Platte river I found these shells in a gravel bank. Most but not all had turned white, and they were in what looked like a gravel bank/deposit ...
Same factual background as this question, but now presume that my flashlight comes with a strap. Then how best to mount it temporarily to the rental car or RV?
I screen shot
My family lacks any firearms license or training whatsoever. To what degree can store-bought (Canadian Tire, Home Hardware) Air Pistols Air Rifles fend off wild dangerous animals? Pa...
With theis KML circular generator, and this STL generator it is possible to create round 3D printed maps like this one. However, the KML circle isn't perfectly round and that leeds to the bumps on...
I wish to circumambulate around Mount Kailash on foot. This is roughly 33 miles of mountaineous terrain. Many people do this for spiritual reasons, i.e circumambulate once to wash away your sins, ...
I'll be "backpacking" -- to imply traveling from country to country, but also hiking and camping in the backcountry -- various parts of Europe in winter for 3 months. I've camped and hiked before,...
Foreword: I know there is a bicycle SE where this question may belong, but it is more about the training factor for other outdoor hobbies than about cycling itself. Cycling could theoretically be ...
I pinpoint this location, just off Icefields Parkway, on Google Maps. The approximate coordinates are 51.968562725913706, -116.7157763798109.
This picture appears to be a private home at 2520 Trader Road, Gros Ventre North subdivision, West Gros Ventre Butte. The approximate coordinate is 43.51N, -110.8W. The architect's website has mor...
This was pictured at Policeman Creek near Canmore AB. For the avoidance of doubt, this picture ISN'T mine. I don't have Instagram so I can't paste the link here. I Googled this.,-73.1185467,29a,35y,223.04h,78.01t/data=!3m1!1e3 See RJFerret's comment. This pictures a private c...
Sam Carter answered my question in the comment. This is "Laputa Road (Japanese: ラピュタの道)". Google did not show me that URL. Olin, I forgot about Google Earth. I shall download it.
Lately some old posts that were already old when imported from elsewhere have popped to the top of the active questions list. In one case, one of the answers was apparently deleted. Two recent on...
Continuing on with this previous meta post, what is actually going on? The previous post was initially about the policy of bumping old posts to the top of the active list. However, that brought u...
I have tarped for most of my outdoor experience. One year on a bet (be careful what you say at the pub...) I spend a full year under a tarp in the bush near my home. Right now I have a silicone co...
Happened to see this and had to register just to reply because I have first hand info. I was fixing up an old mobile home and had removed the skirting and slept on a air mattress in a room with a ...
A knife is perfectly fine to make human attackers understand to better leave one alone, however a dog will not understand what "knife" means, nor what it does. having 1-2 plastic bags with dry dog ...
In most states of the US, if there isn't a sign telling you to keep out, or a physical barrier like a fence, you are OK to go there, assuming you were legal where you started from. Of course not a...