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18.7k posts
+0 −0
Q&A 1000 names for snow

There's an excellent ski term glossary here from the Tetonsandwasatch blog, which includes words for snow, some of which I find hilarious. Some of my favorites: Chunder – Generally, chopped up,...

posted 10y ago by Andrew‭  ·  last activity 7y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Why don't people in the UK use snowshoes?

Snowshoes are available in the UK, but generally you have to go to more specialist mountaineering shops. I doubt any of the high street chains stock them, instead look at the smaller independent sh...

posted 10y ago by vclaw‭

+0 −0
Q&A What can I do to help relieve joint pain in fingers after climbing?

Yes, stop climbing. Your connective tissues are not ready for it. Active rest (easy climbing/easy training) and rehab/prehab for your fingers, wrists, forearms, and upper body in general will help....

posted 10y ago by Kyle‭  ·  last activity 7y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Are dark or bright clothings preferable in the desert?

Hold up two pieces of cloth in front of the sun, one black and one white, and see for yourself which passes more light. Dark cloth can be very thin and still block light effectively. Re-emission ...

posted 10y ago by Mojavean‭  ·  last activity 8y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Is it possible to "pad" the shoulder straps of backpack?

155cm quite short but not extremely so. I would be surprised if you can't get a decent fit with that sort of pack. To make sure you are fitting the pack correctly see this question or many other gu...

posted 10y ago by nivag‭

+0 −0
Q&A What's the best way to dispose of a body in the backcountry?

Eat it Happy April Fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted 10y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A What's the best way to dispose of a body in the backcountry?

You can just leave whatever parts you don't eat for the scavengers. Seriously, this is the outdoors, not Disney: critters have died, from time to time, and worms have eaten them* - which is why th...

posted 10y ago by jamesqf‭  ·  last activity 10y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Climbing gear: can the energy absorbers of a lanyard for via ferratas be used only once?

There are such things as reusable energy-absorbers, they use rope and a braking plate to absorb the energy of a fall. Stiched webbing energy-absorbers are only intended to catch one fall, but that ...

posted 10y ago by ShemSeger‭  ·  last activity 10y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A What's the best way to dispose of a body in the backcountry?

Throwing a dead body down a ravine in a rugged mountain area is a morally blameless act, much like throwing your biodegradable orange peel into a bush. Crows and coyotes will rapidly take care of i...

posted 10y ago by Ben Crowell‭

+0 −0
Q&A Guidelines for safe use of ATC Nano?

Talking to a lead developer of it (I think he was the 5th to work on the project, no mention of what happened to his predecessors), he said that as it is not designed for use on single ropes, which...

posted 10y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A What's the best way to dispose of a body in the backcountry?

According to my wife, who is an experienced backpacker, it’s insufficient to merely leave the carcass to scavengers. You also need to leave a Snickers, to attract bears.

posted 10y ago by Bradd Szonye‭

+0 −0
Q&A Is it feasible to hike Zion and Bryce in Utah in mid-May?

Zion has only one unpaved road you're likely to want to drive on: a one-mile stretch of the Lava Point road. That road is marked on the map as "impassible when wet", which I suspect means an SUV w...

posted 10y ago by Mark‭

+0 −0
Q&A Can fire starting liquid be used in a kerosene lamp?

Lighter fluid and charcoal lighter fluid may be one of or a combination of the following: alcohol, kerosene, naphtha or other petroleum solvent. Therefore I would stick with kerosene.

posted 10y ago by Escoce‭

+0 −0
Q&A Cleaning the sipper pipe of a hydration pack

How about using a long pipe cleaner? You can make them by joining and twisting the ends.

posted 10y ago by Escoce‭

+0 −0
Q&A Train yourself to need less water

You'd be better of strength training your muscles to carry the extra weight of the water you need to carry. How much water an individual needs to stay hydrated is not a standard measure. Differen...

posted 10y ago by ShemSeger‭  ·  last activity 7y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Can fire starting liquid be used in a kerosene lamp?

Kerosene is different from other carbon fuels in that is has a much higher flash point, meaning that it has to be warmer than other fuels before it will produce a vapour that can be ignited. Other ...

posted 10y ago by ShemSeger‭

+0 −0
Q&A Cleaning the sipper pipe of a hydration pack

I also gave this option a thought. Cleaning it up with strong potable soda water. This has to be done when the precipitation is moist, and not dry. That would flush it off at least better then wat...

posted 10y ago by WedaPashi‭

+0 −0
Q&A Cleaning the sipper pipe of a hydration pack

There are cleaning kits designed specifically for cleaning hydration packs like Camelbaks: Camelbak also provides cleaning instructions on their website: The best way to care for your reserv...

posted 10y ago by ShemSeger‭

+0 −0
Q&A What's the best way to dispose of a body in the backcountry?

Depends on where you are. Near Las Vegas, there are plenty of abandoned mines where a body will almost certainly remain undiscovered for years. Talk to the local mob for specifics.

posted 10y ago by Karen‭

+0 −0
Q&A My head torch/lamp has a red mode, why?

The automatic f-stop mechanism (iris) in your eye is less sensitive to red light than the shorter wavelengths. Therefore, red light provides some illumination, but doesn't trigger your eye to stop...

posted 10y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

+0 −0
Q&A My head torch/lamp has a red mode, why?

Red light preserves your night vision. Red lights are used in photography dark rooms, military bunkers, submarines, and anywhere you might find yourself working in the dark. It gives you light to ...

posted 10y ago by ShemSeger‭  ·  last activity 8y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Is there any difference between a harness used for rock climbing vs for mountaineering?

There are many types of specialized harnesses, including harnesses for sport, trad, and mountaineering. Personally I use the same harness for trad and mountaineering, and it works fine. For trad c...

posted 10y ago by Ben Crowell‭

+0 −0
Q&A Most efficient training before alpine hiking/climbing?

A personal anecdote. Two fairly unfit blokes go to the Alps and spend a week on long but easy training climbs. Then they are joined by two athlete friends who are in hard marathon training. The two...

posted 10y ago by Tullochgorum‭

+0 −0
Q&A Difference between Franz Josef and Fox glaciers

I've never been to this area, but searching reveals what appears to be the key difference to me: The fastest (and cheapest) helicopter trip is to Franz Josef Glacier – a 5-minute flight. Fox can...

posted 10y ago by nhinkle‭

+0 −0
Q&A Is there any difference between a harness used for rock climbing vs for mountaineering?

To add to Ben Crowell's answer, some additional differences between mountaineering and rock-climbing harnesses include comfort while hiking, and weight. Compare the two harnesses below; the first ...

posted 10y ago by ShemSeger‭
