Posts by TextKit
I scanned pp 30-31 of the 2000 book Canada A Visual Journey by Tanya Lloyd Kyi. These pages are listed under British Columbia, but the book fails to detail anything further about this location. I'm...
I screenshot this from 0:00 which is titled Driving On Redoubt Rd , Botany & Howick Auckland City New Zealand.
Anyone recognize the mountains in the background? I'm surmising Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club in view of u/Falcitone's comment This is at a golf course right outside of Jackson Hole, Wyomin...
3 mins 9 s is source.
I scanned pp 86-7 of the 2000 book Canada A Visual Journey by Tanya Lloyd Kyi. I'm asking about the image on the left.
This is aurora borealis, correct? If not, what's in the sky? Where was this taken in Macoun SK?
Doubtless, I'm not asing about this home's address. But I'd like to view this in a public location. This image looks photographed from a higher vantage point? JTKSR1 comments on My Grandparents’ li...
The photographer pinpointed Drumheller, Alberta.
I screenshot This is Captain James E. Fanell, U.S. Navy (Retired).
I screenshot this from 0:13 which is titled Driving On Redoubt Rd , Botany & Howick Auckland City New Zealand.
I scanned pp 214-5 of the 2000 book Canada A Visual Journey by Tanya Lloyd Kyi. The rocks at the bottom of this picture, hint that the photographer was standing on the edge of this mountain.
The OP on Reddit deleted his account. I copied and pasted Andre1661's comment into the Title of this post.
I refer to just the bottom pic. I see a road on the left, but no parking. How can you safely access this picture's standpoint? Eugen Kedl, Canada in a thousand pictures 1999, page 187.
The photographer wrote Durango, CO. But where exactly?
Unquestionably, the top picture below was taken further south than Kalamaka Lakeview Drive Lookout. I spent an hour looking on Google Maps, and the most similar picture is from High Ridge Road. Bu...
I am referring to just the top picture. Eugen Kedl, Canada in a thousand pictures 1999, page 35.
I hereby swear and affirm — under the pains of moderators — that I shall not post new questions to identify locations of pictures before June 30 2022. I have located most pics in my closed questio...
COVID permitting, I want to travel to Japan. I lighted upon the top and bottom picture on 1. Please pinpoint on Google Maps? This road looks too hazardous and narrow for a...
I forgot to photograph the location printed in the book, but I wrote it down as Range Mountains, Newfoundland. Eugen Kedl, Canada in a thousand pictures 1999, page 104.
I refer to just the top left picture. Eugen Kedl, Canada in a thousand pictures 1999, pages 96-7.
I refer to just the picture at the top. Eugen Kedl, Canada in a thousand pictures 1999, page 49.
Eugen Kedl, Canada in a thousand pictures 1999, page 39.
Can you please pinpoint on Google Maps where this picture was taken? Eugen Kedl, Canada in a thousand pictures 1999, page 33.
Apology if you're referring to me. I did Reverse Search those pictures from Oil in Norway video on Google, and Google showed results. But I saw no specific location. I speak NO Norwegian. I just R...
u/wadanohaaara comments After some research, I found out that this is located in Shelton, Connecticut But where exactly?
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