Posts by Olin Lathrop
This is aurora borealis, correct? No, that's the Milky Way. Its most of the rest of the galaxy we're in seen edge-on. It looks curved in the picture because a quite wide angle lens was used.
It seems that insignia is for the Air National Guard as a whole, not a particular unit. The minuteman is the emblem of the National Guard, and is a stylized drawing of the minuteman statue in Conc...
You've asked some good questions. Unfortunately all can't be answered honestly in an open message like this one. Ping me privately if you want more detail. Structural problems Old content. We'...
20-25 kg, or 45-55 pounds weight, is too much to expect to carry on your shoulders. That's especially true if only over one shoulder. Not only will that put a lot of stress on the shoulder straps...
While biking in general is on topic for Outdoors, the nitty gritty of bike mechanics and the like is better left for a site specific to bicycles.
If your hands get too warm with gloves on, take the gloves off! My hands get sweaty too when shoveling snow. If you keep doing exercise, your hands might be quite comfortable with the gloves off....
I'm not sure about how "right" using SE's community promotion ads against themselves is. I'd like to stick-it to SE too, but this feels morally wrong. However, here's an alternate idea, and what ...
Vancouver island is fairly large, and extends from about 48°N to 51°N. I wouldn't say that auroras are common at these latitudes, but they will be visible occasionally. A photograph of an aurora ...
In most states of the US, if there isn't a sign telling you to keep out, or a physical barrier like a fence, you are OK to go there, assuming you were legal where you started from. Of course not a...
Lately some old posts that were already old when imported from elsewhere have popped to the top of the active questions list. In one case, one of the answers was apparently deleted. Two recent on...
Continuing on with this previous meta post, what is actually going on? The previous post was initially about the policy of bumping old posts to the top of the active list. However, that brought u...
Sorry, but I don't think gardening is a valid topic for Outdoors. On SE there was a separate site for gardening, so the distinction was more clear. Yes, it is literaly outdoors, but that's not ho...
Users shouldn't get rep ("score", whatever) here from votes received elsewhere. Rep here should reflect contributions here.
Yesterday (I think), I wrote a comment to this question. I can't show the exact text of the comment since it's now gone, but it was basically about telling the asker that "Ursack" should be define...
Downvoting old questions just because they are old needs to stop Actually, those old questions need to be deleted altogether. That failing, more people should downvote them. I have downvoted, an...
I found a lost dog Probably not. Nothing in your description suggests the dog was actually lost. If dogs are supposed to be on leash in your particular area, then the dog got out somehow. That ...