Activity for Machavity
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A: Why are there so many wasps attached to this air conditioner? They're almost certainly building a nest inside. The condenser provides them an enclosed space for their nest, as well as an ample water source from the condensate. If you want to get rid of them, buy a wasp spray. They shoot a powerful stream so you can shoot from a distance and typically stun them... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: Can I fix my boots by gluing the soles back on? I would go buy an outdoor construction adhesive (one that is designed for all materials, lest it eat your soles up from the top). Skip the super glues. Not only will you have enough glue, but it should hold relatively well. (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: How can I protect myself in case of a human attack like the murders of the hikers Jespersen and Ueland in Morocco? What mistakes did these girls make during their camping trip? I don't know that they made any glaring mistakes. The only caution I would note (and you'll see that it's of limited value in this particular case) is that they were two women camping alone in a very remote area of North Africa (although ... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: Will a coyote attack my dog on a leash while I'm on a hiking trail? One factor you might want to consider is how large your dog is. If you have, say, an Alaskan husky, it's unlikely a lone coyote would attack a dog twice his size, especially with a human nearby. Coyotes generally prefer smaller targets, ones they can easily kill and then cart off to eat. This page fr... (more) |
— | almost 6 years ago |
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A: How to safely rescue someone drowning as an untrained bystander? I think you want a TL;DR answer. The other answers have danced around this but here it is. This proposal requires no special training and is easy to remember. Are you ready for it? Wait until the person drowning is unconscious That's it. Print it on cards, hand it out to friends. Post it on sig... (more) |
— | over 7 years ago |