Activity for Paul92
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Question | — |
In-helmet communication for ski I am often skiing with some friends, and would love to have some way of communicating. I've seen quite a lot of bluetooth based systems for motorcycles, but not as many for skiing. The ideal system would be: inside the helmet, without requiring to press buttons to talk support up to 3-4 people. Mi... (more) |
— | about 5 years ago |
Question | — |
Dealing with anxiety and confidence issues I did some hikes in the past but I'm way from calling myself experienced. Now, since I live in an awesome region surrounded by Alps, I decided to take a "one hike a week challenge", hiking mostly alone. The hikes are currently one day hikes. Now, it is worth mentioning that I am not very fit, so it... (more) |
— | about 8 years ago |