Activity for Jon Friedmanâ€
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Answer | — |
A: What do you call it when a sailboat starts to have trouble? Not sure if this is a nautical term, and sure this won't be your favorite, but I have always heard the term "flagging" to indicate that someone or something has lost thrust or energy. If the forward progress of your sailboat slows down due to lack of wind, sail, or other means of propulsion, as in hi... (more) |
— | about 8 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: What factors are important to consider when purchasing a bow trigger release system? Since you are interested in bowhunting, I would recommend a thumb or a trigger release. Most people acquire an index trigger release when they are just starting out because they can be had for as little as $25. Archery shops sell tons of these. They allow you to find a good form, rhythm, and releas... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |