Activity for Sidney
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Question | — |
What can I do to get garden birds back after hawk has made my bird-feeder his hunting ground? I put up a bird feeder in my backyard over the summer and have been enjoying taking care of the birds. Unfortunately, sometime in the fall a hawk decided to start hanging around my yard. I shoo him away but he knows where the food is at. Initially I didn't think much of it -- circle of life and all ... (more) |
— | about 6 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: How do you take field notes at below 0 °C, without freezing fingers? Most answers seem to assume the writing implement is the problem, but the asker specifically states that his comfort is the problem. I can think of two solutions. If possible, figure out how to simplify your inventory. Consider writing in ways that don't require a large amount of dexterity -- I woul... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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A: How would you help a snapping turtle cross the road? Even though I have a relatively small car, I keep long handled snow brush like the one pictured below in my car all year round. The brush end can twist to make it more like a push broom. I've shooed snakes, turtles and geese out of the road with it. Turtles snapped it, snakes bit and, and geese honke... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |