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Activity for Nate Eldredge‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Answer A: How do permits for US/Canada public land work?
There are really no general principles. Some permits are free and self-issued: you pick up a form at the trailhead and fill it out. This is really more of a registration system, so that the authorities know who is out there, but it's still required. Example. Some permits are automatically issue...
over 10 years ago
Answer A: Permanent Camping Cooler - No Ice Needed
If your ambient temperatures (air/water/earth) don't get down below refrigerator temperatures (2-4 C), and in summer I suspect they don't, then the second law of thermodynamics says you can't do this without an energy source. Since electricity is out, you could consider a propane refrigerator.
over 10 years ago
Question What format should I use to report my location to emergency responders?
Suppose I am out in the wilderness and an emergency arises. I have an accurate fix on my location (from GPS, map and compass, astronomical observation, etc...). I manage to get in touch with emergency services and need to tell them where I am. But there are many different formats I could use to re...
over 10 years ago
Question How to prepare for and survive wildfire?
In some areas, such as the western US, wildfires are common during the summer dry season. "Fire safety" advice usually centers on not starting a wildfire, e.g. extinguishing or avoiding campfires. But what should one do if a fire breaks out near where one is hiking or camping? A useful answer migh...
over 11 years ago
Answer A: Backpacking in southern NY or PA
Have you considered the Finger Lakes Trail? It's certainly long enough, and has lean-tos along most of its length. There aren't a lot of loops, but you may be able to arrange a one-way with return by car or public transport. (In particular, the section around Ithaca crosses county bus routes at se...
over 11 years ago
Answer A: What style of camelback hydrating systems exist out there?
Another brand is Platypus. I have their "Hoser" line, which has some differences from the models you show: The hose is detachable. The bag has only one opening, with a screw fitting. You fill the bag through this opening and then attach the hose. This makes it simpler and there are fewer joints...
over 11 years ago
Answer A: How can I report an emergency via SMS text message?
I didn't know this, but in fact, the ability to send text messages to 911 is being developed and could be ready within a year or two. The four major US wireless carriers expect to be ready to route text messages to 911 by May 15, 201...
over 11 years ago
Answer A: Identifying named peaks from the summit of a north-american peak
One approach is to use a GPS device that has a map database and an electronic compass. You can sight on the distant mountain, and the device will draw a line on the map along that bearing. Then you just have to look at the map and see where the line crosses a prominent mountain.
over 11 years ago
Question How can I report an emergency via SMS text message?
When hiking, I often find myself in areas where cell phone reception is poor or intermittent. Sometimes the signal is not good enough to make a call, but it is still possible to send text messages (SMS). I have often wondered how I could use this to summon help in case of an emergency. I'm in the ...
over 11 years ago
Answer A: How to clean a sleeping bag ?
First of all, check the label for directions. I have a synthetic bag. I take it to the laundromat and wash it in a sufficiently large front-load machine, using cold water and somewhat less detergent than a normal load. I put it in a large dryer set to low or no heat until it seems mostly dry. The...
almost 13 years ago