Activity for J. Musserâ€
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What should I do if I get sprayed by a skunk? There are times when I just barely miss getting sprayed by a skunk (there are a lot of them in my area). I haven't actually gotten directly sprayed, but I would like to be ready in case that happens. I hear that taking a bath in tomato soup helps, but don't want to waste all that food if I can help i... (more) |
— | about 10 years ago |
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Am I liable for damage or injuries caused by my dog? If I am in my woods with my dog, and it kills a protected species of songbird (which it knows it shouldn't), should I report this? If so, to whom? Should I expect a fine? This hasn't happened yet, but I like being ready, just in case. (more) |
— | over 10 years ago |
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What is the point of hiking boots, versus any comfortable walking shoes? I've always used any old shoes for hiking. Are there any real benefits to using specially made boots? (more) |
— | almost 11 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Good books to learn survival? This book, How to stay alive in the Woods, is an older book but contains lots of valuable information on how to keep from getting hungry, and other useful things, while away from civilization. (more) |
— | almost 13 years ago |
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How can I tell if a wild bird is legally protected? If I was out on a long hike, and I wanted to shoot a bird for supper, is there a way to find out in a very short time whether or not that species is legally protected? Sometimes you can get in trouble for picking up a feather of some birds. (more) |
— | almost 13 years ago |
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Is there a way to light a fire in the wild using rocks? Just for fun, how would I go about lighting a fire with naturally shaped rocks by striking sparks? It might be useful if I were to camp in the far north, where there are no trees. What should I use for tinder? Do I have to find a certain kind of rock? (more) |
— | almost 13 years ago |
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Should I be careful to use only dry rocks while building a campfire? Possible Duplicate: How to avoid exploding rocks If I build a campfire with damp rocks, is there any possibility of the rocks exploding? I had this happen once while burning trash, because the moisture in the rock swells as it heats and the rock pops like popcorn. Is there any chance that ... (more) |
— | almost 13 years ago |
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What is a good source of vitamin C in the wild? I know I could just carry a bottle, but scavenging is much more fun. What is a good source of vitamin C in the wild? Have spruce needles really got enough? (more) |
— | almost 13 years ago |
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Is it safe to eat poison ivy berries since I don't react to the leaves? Is it safe for someone who doesn't react to poison ivy to eat the berries? I am not going to try it without authority from someone who knows. Is it like smoke from burning vines, that can affect even an immune person? (more) |
— | almost 13 years ago |
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Is it okay to trust your health to a mushroom hunters guide? If I were to go mushroom hunting on a hike, Should I trust a field guide, or do a little research on it first? I've heard of too many deaths caused by mushroom eaters making a mistaken identification in a field guide. (more) |
— | almost 13 years ago |
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How should I put out a campfire while away from civilization? If I build a campfire, but need to move on before it goes cold, how should I put it out? I wouldn't want to use my drinking water. Should I bring a covering to smother it with? (more) |
— | almost 13 years ago |
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Is it a good Idea to drink grape sap if you have no clean water? In spring, the grape vines are so full of watery sap that a cut from my pocket knife causes it to trickle out fairly fast, and it can be collected in a container. Someone told me that it is a good substitute for water on a trip, because it is purified by the plant. Is this true? (more) |
— | almost 13 years ago |
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Are barberries edible? Barberries are so common around here that there would be enough for a fruit serving a day for quite a while. But there is a problem: I do not know whether or not they are edible. Are they edible in any quantity? (more) |
— | almost 13 years ago |