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Activity for HTDutchy‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Answer A: Tenting, and want to hookup my laptop to RV power hookup
I'd advise against plugging in a 30 to 15 amp converter and using it directly. If something short circuits in your 15 amp cabling it might not be enough to trip the 30 amp breaker (if there even is one) on the electricity pole. As noted in the description it's made for RV's and in my experience those...
about 5 years ago
Answer A: Can a Gri-Gri work if the cam is prevented from engaging?
From my experience, NO. My only experience using a few different Gri-Gri devices was during my beginners course last year. I have however used figure 8 belay devices for years at scouting and that's what I thought of when pulling back on the little levers. You do NOT want to stop a big fall with th...
over 5 years ago
Answer A: Does an outboard motor impeller go bad if it isn't exercised regularly?
Doing a quick google search for "Impeller 2002 2 stroke 75 HP Yamaha" shows that it is a rubber impeller, these WILL age and dry out. Check your manual for when and how to replace it. As a rule of thumb: On inboard engines we replace these yearly, it's a cheap 15 minute job that can save thousands...
over 5 years ago
Answer A: Fittings to connect together two hydration bladders
I can imagine that there's nothing of the shelf available but this is nothing a little DIY can't fix. Go to your local hardware or pet supply store and find a small aquarium hose T or Y fitting that matches the inner diameter of your bladder hose. Simply cut the hoses of your bladders and attach th...
over 6 years ago
Answer A: How best to hold/aim a Garmin InReach for satellite messaging?
As I cannot find the exact specs of the type of antenna they use I can only speculate. My guess is that the antenna is either unidirectional or placed along the length axis of the device. If the antenna is not (completely) unidirectional it should work best when the device is laying on it's back. Th...
over 6 years ago
Answer A: What are possible ways to drink on a long scuba dive?
I have no experience in this but It seems logical that you can drink while underwater. This thread seems to confirm that. Most importantly you should use a soft pouch as a container with a straw. This keeps pressure equal and prevents seawater from flowing in.
over 6 years ago
Answer A: Carrying a bridge camera while hiking with a backpack
I almost never leave my DSLR behind, when hiking, biking or climbing I use both a camera sling and a small (as possible) camera bag. The bag fits just my camera with attached lens, some spare batteries and one or two circular filters. I have the sling attached to the side of the body of the camera...
about 7 years ago
Answer A: Could a tick make several test bites in a circle?
I don't think they ever do test bites. If it looks anything like a dot surrounded by a ring, go see a doctor as you might have Lyme disease. From the Centers for Disease Control Tickborne diseases can result in mild symptoms treatable at home to severe infections requiring hospitalization. Al...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: Should I activate my beacon if the road to safety is blocked?
I assume here that you are traveling by car. Make sure you carry a survival package so you can survive for at least a night. As for the tree situation, carry a large towing strap and invest in a (chain) saw appropriate for the size of trees in the area. This way you should be able to chop the tr...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: What exactly constitutes a "road" in Iceland?
Most (main) roads are marked with yellow poles. Other roads might be marked by stacks of rocks or the simple fact that there's a winding patch of less rough terrain forming an obvious trail. If you're unsure of road markings use a proper gps unit with trail maps to verify your location. The follo...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: Restore knife to factory sharp condition
If you want to go the DIY route, use a stationary/bench grinder. These often have adjustable guides to help you set an angle equal to the original. After getting the angle back on both sides of the knife and getting rid of all the dents in the blade you can use a whetstone to sharpen the rest of the ...
over 7 years ago
Answer A: Nose-diving when catching a wave on a longboard
I haven't surfed but have enough experience boating and sailing to have an idea... Try going at around a 45 degree angle or (way) less to a wave as what's happening now is the back being picked up and simply pushing you 'bow first' down into the next wave or bottom of the wave. By going at an angle y...
over 8 years ago
Answer A: Is clipping directly onto a dyneema sling safe?
Allthough I'm not a professional climber, I do regularly set up climbing obstacles and ziplines for children (scouting). When working up in the threes we mostly secure ourselves using slings so we can have two hands free to secure children or work on the rigging in general. I've taken a fall or two o...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: Is a smartphone or dedicated gps receiver better for navigation in the desert?
For your situation I strongly advice against relying on your phone. It's a great backup but to much of a risk to use as a main device. Three reasons to get a dedicated gps: Batteries: A gps mostly works on standard AA batteries which can be bought anywhere and rechargeable ones are easily charge...
almost 10 years ago
Answer A: Benefits of tree tents over typical shelters?
I use a 'pod' hammock tent for backpacking and enjoy it a lot. This bigger tree tent wouldn't be for backpacking but for car camping with friends or family. Sleeping in a suspended tent is clean, dry and more comfortable then sleeping on the ground. (everything being subject to your own opinion)
about 10 years ago
Answer A: How do you repair a plastic kayak?
I've seen people use a soldering iron and a piece kf abs plastic to repair tears in the hull but the best answer is short and simple to use for small holes: epoxy putty. just follow instructions on the packaging, fill the hole with a small (few mm) overlap inside and out and if you want sand down wh...
over 10 years ago
Answer A: What is the best way to transport a kayak?
I do most of the transport for our scouts group and have found that the solution is mostly the simplest. Get a set of roofrails and crossbars. You should be able to get them for any type of car, make sure they're factory spec and/or from a good brand so they won't simply fly off as it's the only thin...
over 10 years ago
Answer A: How to dry Gore-Tex boots in the field
You could use a towel or (if you can spare the weight) some old news papers. Me and my friends dry everything except for the tents by fire. Just set a line about 3-4 meters away from the fire so it will only catch some of the heat (30-50 degrees Celsius is fine for anything). I know this really does...
almost 11 years ago
Answer A: Anti-theft tracking device: how to configure it to deal with the battery?
I can't help you with exact configurations. But as usual this kind of thing has a basic rule. The less it's activated, the less it will use it's battery. Standby mode (time it spends counting the seconds to next use) will use almost no power at all. As soon as it comes to life it will aquire a GPS s...
almost 11 years ago
Answer A: How long is the battery life of a GPS tracker, when used to detect motion only?
Sources: Reading up on the device and from simple knowledge. I'd say device life would largely depend on the update frequency. The device will always easily acquire a GPS fix with an accuracy of at least 5-10 me...
almost 11 years ago
Answer A: Group Trips: 1 Large cook group or smaller cook groups of 3 or 4?
To get the hygiene part out of the way, everybody needs to bring or have access to good (alcohol based) hand sanitizer at all times. For deciding on the size of cooking groups: how large is your cooking pot? At scouting we either set up a base camp where we'll cook for the entire group (25 persons) ...
almost 11 years ago
Answer A: Where is it possible to use a hammock in the UK?
Just to add to Liams answer: Plan your trip and search for natural campsites (so don't go for the busy familily and tourist ones). I found they mostly have two parts, one open-ish field and a forest part with 'normal' tree spacing. Since I mostly go car camping I will often hang one side of my hammo...
almost 11 years ago
Answer A: Will the benefit of an axe outweigh the drawbacks and win over a large knife?
An axe is (when used properly) just as safe as any knife. On long hikes where I know campfires are gonna be a must I do actually carry a small hatchet. My axe has a fairly long handle and weights just about 0.5kg. There are smaller and lighter ones, but a light head and long handle means less to car...
almost 11 years ago
Answer A: Where to carry a folding knife when hiking?
I've found that most folding knifes get easily lost (might just be me). This is because you need to train yourself to always put it in the same place. And the folding mechanism tends to be a weak spot when doing heavier work. I have a solid knife with a sheath means I can grab it at any point (whi...
about 11 years ago
Answer A: How water proof are these kinds of tents?
Well by the looks of it, It'll hold up in a bid of rain, but no downpour or any hard wind. Plus side on this tent is that the rain fly will keep some direct sunlight of of the inner tent. And it looks like the front "door" of the tent is made of something that might be water proof. Now what you're...
about 11 years ago
Answer A: What is the longest time you can go, eating only freeze-dried food?
As far as I know you should be able to survive for quite a long time. I often hear about ocean racers who have just freeze-dried foods to eat and they live on that for more then 2-3 months at a time. There are no side effects. They are in fact very healthy, so I see no issues, apart from a very dull...
about 11 years ago
Answer A: What are some effective ways of removing stains from my bush knife?
I mostly use(d) a piece of sandpaper to get rid of residue and from what I've been testing it really helps to put an oil coating on your knife. When it's coated once it's easier to clean by just adding more oil and rubbing it off. I posted a question about axe heads but I also tested it on my knifes...
about 11 years ago
Answer A: What type of oil to use for axe heads
After some googling I found a very nice guide to axe maintenance here: The head of the axe is the easier part to protect. As with all carbon steel objects, the enemy here is moisture. If the head gets wet, it wi...
about 11 years ago
Question What type of oil to use for axe heads
I bought a forest axe and its manufacturer says to oil the axe head before storing to prevent rusting. What type of oil should I use?
about 11 years ago