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Activity for Dynadin‭

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Edit Post #40911 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #40390 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #40086 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: No Stop Limit for Recreational Scuba Diving
The amount of nitrogen in your body is only part of it. Nitrogen is absorbed quicker by your lipid, or fat, tissues at greater depths. The cut off point for a non-deep PADI qualified diver is 30m. There is a course to go deeper, down to 40m, as the absorption rate increases. This can cause various ef...
over 6 years ago
Answer A: Is there a reason for seeing a lot of roadkill badgers in the spring?
I'm afraid there is a good chance it will be human intervention. Badger culling. It is a grey area of illegal. Some farmers will kill badgers and to hide their actions, dump them on the roadside to make it seem like roadkill.
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: How to avoid getting cold when diving?
I thought I would weigh in with the other method you mentioned. Drysuits. You would need to take a course to use it safely, there is more to it than diving in a wetsuit. As someone who primarily dives in a drysuit, they are worth the effort of learning. Now to the aspects of the actual suit. The iss...
almost 7 years ago
Answer A: Should one store a tent loose for prolonged periods between uses to maximize its lifetime?
This answer is just based on personal experience. I have two tents, one small backpacking tent, and a large tent I call my basecamp tent. Both are stored in the compression sacks they came with. The 'basecamp' tent is rarely used, it was stored in my loft for a good four years between uses. On the ...
almost 8 years ago
Answer A: What is a lumen nock used for?
They are usually used for making your arrows easier to find in low light / cloudy conditions. Also they give a certain flair if you happen to be filming your shot. Imagine hunting in a forest, light isn't that great and it's hard to use a metal detector, and you miss. The idea is so long as you kno...
about 8 years ago
Question How to dry a BCD (Buoyancy Control Device)
Out of all my dive gear, the item that is the hardest to dry is the BCD. If the weather is nice then it is not an issue, just put it outside. The issue is drying my BCD when the weather is rather inclement outside. Once I have washed off all the muck it has gathered over the course of a dive, it ca...
over 8 years ago
Answer A: How to get out through surf in fins?
Walk sideways like a crab. Every time a wave comes, stop and brace yourself. First it is easier to walk sideways while wearing fins, second it reduces the surface area that the wave hits. Just take it slow. Edit: Seeing as you have problems with the straps when trying to put them on in water, the...
over 8 years ago
Answer A: When taking a Go Pro scuba diving, how would you mount it?
Personally while scuba diving I have it on a monopod with a strap around my wrist. Not only does this prevent bubbles clouding your shot, it allows you to extend it beyond your normal reach. Ever tried getting close to a shoal of fish? Near damm impossible. With an extended monopod, moved very slow...
over 8 years ago
Answer A: How can I avoid shooting my lips?
There is a possibility that your lips are catching on your knock points. It can take a few arrows to get your form at the start of a day. I used to have brass knock points as well. After a while I replaced them with string floss (the one used for teeth) sealed with glue. It eliminated the problem fo...
about 9 years ago
Question Diving mask colouring
I'm learning to dive and the first purchase is a mask and snorkel. The issue I have is discerning what mask to get colour-wise. There seem to be two main types for the silicon, clear and black. The lens can then have different coloured frames. My question is: What is the difference between clear and...
about 9 years ago
Question What to do with a wet dog while camping
I thought about this question a while ago and have yet to find an answer. We have a small two person tent, just enough for my wife and I, and our dog. The issue is drying said dog when it is raining. Even with a towel his fur is too long to properly dry, here is the little demon: He is only 14 inc...
about 9 years ago
Question How many lumens for a diving torch?
Title says it all really. I am looking to buy a diving torch as I am taking up diving next year. What am I looking for? They seem to range from 100lm to 2500lm. Realistically how many lumens are actually needed to effectively see in murky water? (I live in the UK so the water will be equivalent to ...
about 9 years ago
Answer A: How to concentrate on a minimal point on a solid surface?
You'll have to use a spotter. Either a separate person or yourself. Basically a person with a telescope to see where you hit. If it is a separate person fire one arrow and they will inform you where you hit and you can adjust your sights accordingly. If you are spotting for yourself it is the same...
about 9 years ago
Answer A: What are suitable strength exercise for archers?
Sit-ups won't work, archery is all about the shoulders, not abs. Also it's a bad idea to dry aim a bow, it is generally frowned upon. There are exercise tools you can buy such as a bow training exerciser: Another option is a training band, such as this: Failing that you can get yourself a pre...
about 9 years ago
Answer A: What is a longbow?
The problem with the longbow discussion is that it changes from country to country. For example in the UK the longbow and american flatbow are two separate categories. In the UK a longbow is described as such: The bow shall be the traditional longbow made from wood, either "self", "backed", or ...
about 9 years ago
Answer A: Why do some archers wear two gloves?
On a longbow you rest the arrow on your hand. If you do it for many hours it can cause irritation so some wear a glove to avoid this. As for the hand pulling the string it is another form of a finger tab. I have a three fingered glove. It's a matter of preference for this. I found a glove more comfo...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: How to wax a bow string
Just another option to OddDeer. I was taught to use a block of beeswax. Make sure the string is dry and rub the block up and down the string while the bow is strung. Very cost effective, one block lasted me years, and works as well as bow wax. As a side note always wax around the nock point otherwi...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: Name of this quiver type
That would, quite simply, be a pocket quiver.
over 9 years ago
Answer A: Does a tracer influence the arrow in any way
A tricky one this. Some people swear they do, others swear they don't. Personally I have never used them as I always feared they might throw off my shot. There is no definitive evidence that they will have an impact however. I can tell you that, even with a tracer, it's damned hard to find an arrow...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: Rational reason to pick a bow over a gun?
Other than the stated back to nature (if you can count it as that as most hunters use compounds) it is generally considered both quiter and cheaper. It is a lot cheaper to buy a bow and arrows than a silenced rifle. Especially as, if you are lucky, you can reuse arrows. It is down to preference h...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: Any reason to prefer bow-fishing over rod-fishing?
It's a form of hunting. Shoot a rabbit or snare it? Rod fishing you are luring a fish into a trap, bow fishing you are actively hunting. Some say you need an entire new kit but all you really need is a specialised type of arrow. It is all down to preference really.
over 9 years ago
Answer A: Any disadvantages if I reuse fletches?
Oh the amount of arrows I have had to repair. If the fletching is undamaged and you can fully remove the fixing agent, yes, you can reuse them. However, fletchings are rather cheap to buy so for the sake of a possible missed shot due to some damage you might have missed, it is usually advised to buy ...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: What's the point of stringdampers in 3D shooting
It comes down to a few things. Some people like adding things to their bows. If it can fit on it they will have it. I once saw someone using a recurve with 9 stabilisers. Others like to pretend they are hunting without the actual death bit. Quite a few 3D target shooters follow a course which simul...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: Does rain harm a bow
In simple terms. Yes. But it is easily avoided. When not in use dry off the bow and keep it in a waterproof case. Like anything, prolonged moisture is damaging. Using it in the rain is no problem, I'm talking about days or weeks without being dryed. Same goes with the string. They are usually coate...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: Is a recurve bow more accurate than a long bow?
A recurve could be considered more accurate than a longbow due to the simple fact that longbows traditionally do not have sights, whereas a recurve does. It is however down to skill. As a side note I will mention arrows as well. For a recurve I had carbon fiber arrows with a spiraled aluminum core...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: Why are two birds obsessed with a chopped-down tree?
This usually means that they had a nest in the tree. If they are still there after a few days it probably means they also had young. Either still in the nest or young enough that they still returned to be fed.
over 9 years ago
Answer A: How can you tell if you can reuse an arrow?
While there are a variety of different arrows, there are some common signs you can look out for. First of all are the fletchings. If they are supposed to be straight, check if they still are. Others have a bend or curve in them, if this is the case check if the curve is still correct. Also check to ...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: What are good baits for crabbing?
Rotten fish. That's all I need to say. Crabs go mad for rotten fish in a net bag. If you can't get your hands on rotten fish, raw chicken is probably the next best thing and is certainly easier to buy. Place it in a bag or secure it to a line and have a net ready. With the both of these remember t...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: How does one choose the right standup paddle board size?
Paddles board sizing are relative to what you wish to do with said board. Short boards 8' or under are generally used for children. Medium boards 9' to probably around 12' are good for calm lakes / rivers and for some fun in the surf. Long boards, 12' or more are for the more serious journeys, tou...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: How to store a bow?
It all depends on the bow. I'll run through the three most common. For a recurve. Never left strung and detach the limbs. My personal superstition is make sure the top and bottom bolts always go in the same locations, but this isn't proven to make any difference. Make sure it is kept in a dry place...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: Is stringing a recurve without a stringer damaging to the bow?
You can string a recurve by bracing it on your foot. For casual shooting it is okay but I would advise against it. While it can twist the limbs, the actual issue is the uneven stress on the screws / bolts that hold the limbs in place. Believe me, you don't want one of them slipping mid draw. I would...
over 9 years ago
Answer A: Crossbow draw strength
If you have to pull it back manually without a mechanism then you will need the strength to pull it back. Also consider when putting a new draw on it, that the body can hold the increased vibration and tension without shattering. I would suggest going for a new crossbow if you want increased poundage...
about 10 years ago
Question What material is best for durable, waterproof, gloves in many temperatures and weather conditions?
I have a problem with one hand that has bad circulation, this means that if my hand gets cold and wet for extended times I get chilblains which are more than a nuisance. The problem is that I have an outdoor job that causes a lot of wear and tear on the hands, as I am basically lifting a metal pole...
over 10 years ago
Question How To Quickly Warm A Tent
Some background links to Aravona's question here. Basically I am her other half and over the course of the night the tent was opened many times. As people will know opening a tent in the wee hours of the morning will lose all the heat accumulated through the day and take a long time to warm back up. ...
over 10 years ago
Answer A: Should I bring my dog with us to a Cabin
Well, if one dog has to be tied up and they are worried about them being too boisterous, why not have yours tied up? In most campsites in England (I know it is different where you are) dogs have to be on leads and tied up at all times. If you plan on future trips with your friends, eventually she w...
over 10 years ago
Answer A: Does garlic balance your blood pressure on long walks?
Whilst I have no direct experience, garlic tablets can lower blood pressure, a clove of garlic itself will not have much of an impact unless you eat a lot of it. Other options are Cayenne Pepper, Green Tea and foods with a high vitamin C level. If you need to raise your blood pressure then keep hydr...
over 10 years ago
Question Dealing with Sap on a Tent
Basically as the title states. I placed my tent under a tree at the weekend to give a bit of respite against the torrential rain while setting it up. Said rain has mixed with sap laden leaves (which I was unaware the tree had) and covered it in a sticky layer. I don't know if it will effect the wat...
over 10 years ago