Activity for user19652
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Edit | Post #40762 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
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How to empty bowels before a hike? They say prevention is better than cure, so for beginner hikes, especially dayhikes, how can one try to ensure that their bowels are empty and they won't suddenly need to poo? Are there proven ways? Is taking medication and relying on it bad? (more) |
— | about 8 years ago |
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How to cross rivers or streams at night or in darkness? I am preparing a dayhike with some buddies of mine but to get to the trailhead, we have to cross more than ten river crossings which are passable by huge vehicles. The water there is quite fast and raging. In the interest of time so we could be able to complete the hike in a single day, I'm planning ... (more) |
— | about 8 years ago |
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How do you remove leeches from your eyeball? Leeches have been known to fall and attach on the eyeballs of hapless hikers. Where I'm from, if a leech attaches itself to you, you just spray it with alcohol and it will shrink and fall off. Obviously spraying alcohol on your eyes is not advisable. I asked a guide how they would remove one in case... (more) |
— | about 8 years ago |
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When hiking, why is the right of way given to people going up? When you're in a path and you encounter another group going the other way, it is said that whoever is going down should stand aside to let those going up pass through. Why? (more) |
— | about 8 years ago |
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Trailrunners for hiking I've read a couple of sites that say that trailrunners are great for hiking, as they have good traction and are lighter than boots. Would they also work well if you're clambering down or up steep rocky trails? Overall what are their advantages and disadvantages? (more) |
— | about 8 years ago |
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Is it bad to rely on trekking poles? I haven't used trekking poles but I've used wooden poles and they make a huge difference while hiking. Ascents are somewhat easier, and descents are much more so thanks to the poles as another thing you can hold on for balance especially for trails where the only thing you can hold on to is the land ... (more) |
— | about 8 years ago |
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Sleeping outdoors without a tent in a high altitude Mt. Tapulao? We're planning to do a dayhike on a mountain almost two thousand meters above sea level (Mt. Tapulao). The trail is almost 20 kilometers to the summit, and me and my fellow hikers are pretty slow, so there might be a chance we'll be caught by the dark and possibly fatigue. Since we want to keep t... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |