Activity for Kenjiâ€
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Edit | Post #41440 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #40880 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #40734 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #40306 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
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A: Would dry or wet flies be easier for a beginner fly fisherman? The easiest fly fishing technique to swing a wet fly, nymph, or streamer cast downstream. All you need to do is to cast downstream and let the current take your line until the fly sinks and comes up again due to the line tension. Eventually you will need to learn to mend to control speed and depth, b... (more) |
— | almost 6 years ago |
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A: If you are starting to tie your own fly fishing flies, what types would be the easiest to start with? The fly patterns used in modern european nymphing are purposefully simple and effective. The philosophy behind these patterns is to suggest the shape of the insect instead of trying to perfectly match the hatch, and this makes them very versatile as well. Patterns like the tungsten torpedo: https:/... (more) |
— | almost 6 years ago |
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A: Difference between tippet and plain old mono or fluorocarbon? The other two answers are correct. You can use plain old nylon or fluorocarbon monofilament lines and save cash (with the pitfalls mentioned by the others). Keep in mind, however, that specialised tippet brands sometimes use better materials or do fancy things to their lines like coating them with ... (more) |
— | almost 8 years ago |
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A: What is this fish that looks like a common roach with black eyes and red gills? Well, it seems that the mystery was solved: it is a common roach with a guanin deficiency that causes them to have a different colour, as explained by this ecologist (in Swedish). (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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What are the feathers under the hackle in the rooster saddle? I just bought my first whole rooster saddle for hackle and found out that there are some soft webby feathers under the usable hackle: I reckon that they are some sort of soft hackle, but some of them look like chickabou. Are there any uses for them when it comes to fly tying? (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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What is this fish that looks like a common roach with black eyes and red gills? Fish like this have been caught recently (this Autumn) in many freshwater bodies in Sweden (like Dalbergsån) and no one knows what they are supposed to be (as written in this article). Apparently, the fish was caught on worms. It looks like a common roach, but the eyes are different colour a... (more) |
— | over 8 years ago |
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A: Slotted bead head on non-jig hook Answering my own question, it seems to work. The trick is to use the lead/lead-free wire wraps to hold the bead in place. You can stick a few of the wraps inside the bead and turn the slot downwards. A drop of zap-a-gap on the shank, just behind the eye of the hook helps to hold it all in place. (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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Buzzer / chironomid hook size for still water fly fishing I'm tying buzzer/chironomid flies to use when fishing under a slow retrieve in lakes. I thought that by chironomid we meant midges, and expected flies in sizes 18 to 26, but a lot of the patterns that I find out there in the internet use much bigger hooks. This link lists flies all the way up to size... (more) |
— | almost 9 years ago |
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Can elk hair be replaced by deer hair when tying a dry fly? I'm planning on tying some stimulators and I have a ton of deer hair in the colours that I want my flies to be. The recipes that I have read so far ask for yearling elk hair. I wonder if I can replace that with deer hair and still get the same flotation and similar looks. Also, would there be any r... (more) |
— | about 9 years ago |
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Slotted bead head on non-jig hook I'm ordering beadheads for fly tying, and am thinking about getting slotted beadheads to use on jig hooks. The main application will be nymphs to be used as the point fly in a two or three nymph setup. Since the producer I'm buying from offers those wholesale, I wonder if I can just buy a big pack ... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: Went fishing on the river for full day, caught one fish; normal? Catching fish depends on so many variables that it is hard to pinpoint what went wrong. Depending on weather, time of the day, and season, fish are located at different parts of the water body and at different depths. Changes in water temperature and atmospheric pressure affect how fish and other aqu... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: Any reason to prefer bow-fishing over rod-fishing? It seems that your question is about efficacy of the method. I'm not a bow fishermen, but I know that some plankton feeders, such as the asian carp and the silver carp will not easily take a lure or a fly. In fact, carp is one of the most challenging fish to catch on an artificial lure (although they... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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Terminology and cues for reading river water when fly fishing When reading or watching videos on about reading water for fishing in English, I often come across terms like riffle, run, pool, seam, among others. However, when I get o the river ready to float that dry dropper over the riffle, I'm not so sure if I'm targeting the right area. I'm not even sure I pe... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: Fly casting in heavy cover/growth Another good cast for small streams with lots of bushes is the water haul, described in this blog post at Gink and Gasoline. It basically uses the water tension to load the rod, like the roll cast, but you cast towards the opposite direction from where your line is lying (no d-loops). You start with ... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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Can I reuse the soft fibres from hackle feathers in some other fly tying application? Every time I use something like a partridge feather for a hackle, I have to remove part of the feather fibres (the fluffy soft part) and that usually goes to waste. I wonder if that can be used for something like dubbing, for example. I know that most materials are not that expensive, but I hate to... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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Which two handed fly casting style should I learn? Me and a friend are thinking about trying two handed fly fishing for salmon and sea-run browns in northern Sweden. We both have been fishing for these same species with single-handed rods, but have decided to give two handers a try after a few tough days at large and deep rivers this autumn. Our go... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: Fly fishing rig knots In addition to the great answer by user737012: How strong should the tippet and leader lines be? Tippet size also affects how natural your fly looks in the water. Bigger tippets are stiffer and make the movement of small flies seem unnatural. On the other hand, it is very hard to cast big flies on ... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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Any tips for landing fish on barbless hooks? I have started to debarb all my flies a while ago (it is much better for the fish if you are doing catch and release), but have been loosing some hooked fish that I was otherwise able to net when I had barbed hooks. I have heard that it is most likely due to mistakes in fighting the fish, so I wond... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: Alternatives to Dacron backing on fly reel? I have done some research since my initial post, experimented with different backing alternatives, and different brands of backing. I tried three alternatives before finding the solution to my problem. First I tried fireline. It didn't work because it is very thin and abrasive. It wouldn't be a prob... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: Pike fishing equipment & rigging All other answers assume that you want to use spinning reel and lure as your tackle, but it is also possible to catch pike on the fly. It is indeed a lot of fun, as you can check out from this video filmed in Sweden. At around 15 minutes they show how they set the tackle. In answer to your questions... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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Why do some fisheries have a lower size limit and others have an upper size limit for keeping fish? My home river has a minimum size limit of 50 cm for keeping atlantic salmon, while I have seen online that some other places have a maximum size limit above which fish cannot be retained. Why is there such difference between fisheries? Which way is more efficient in terms of conservation? What are th... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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Alternatives to Dacron backing on fly reel? I am thinking about changing the backing on my reel for something thinner and stronger like gel spun line (I'm currently using 20lb Dacron). The goal is to fit enough backing into the reel for Atlantic salmon fishing. The reason is that I bought a new fly line that is both longer and thicker than th... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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What adjustments should be made to cast when using a heavier fly line than rod class? My fly rod says 5/6 wt, and the instructions tell that it can be used with lines of both weight classes if I make the proper adjustments to my cast. My question is what would these adjustments be? (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: What's a good, lightweight solution for portable cookware? A buddy of mine has an ultralight set made by a Swedish maker called Trangia. It weights 330 grams for the burner, windshield, a 800 ml pan and a frypan. It works with a spirit burner, so you don't have to carry a large gas canister. The whole thing has 15 cm of diameter and about 6 cm of height. All... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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A: What type of pole can be used for trout while backpacking? In addition to ssduplantis's mention to Tenkara, I would like to write that some fly rods are very portable. Some manufacturers make rods consisting of up to 7 pieces, which fit into a 40cm canister that is very portable. One example is the Orvis frequent flyer series. That, a fly reel, a box of flie... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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Can I use wading sandals with waders? I have a pair of wading sandals (made by Keen and designed for water sports) to which I added a few metal studs and have been using for wet wading while fly fishing in shallow streams. Now I wonder if I can use them with proper waders in lieu of wading boot or wading shoes (i.e. wear the sandals over... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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Will practicing casting on my backyard lawn damage my fly line? If so, how to avoid it? I have been practicing fly casting in my backyard using the same line that I use to fish. The question is: will my line get damaged from this? I reckon that these things are made to drag through water and vegetation, but I'm still worried that me dragging it through my lawn will accelerate the wear a... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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Is there a good and fast way to dry used flies before storing them? I have been spending many hours by the water recently and usually try a lot of flies before I find what is working on a particular day. The question is: what to do with all the flies that got wet after I used them? I reckon that I should dry them, but is there any nice way to do it before putting the... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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What are the best practices to ensure survival of catch and release fish? I have seen some folks handling fish in a rather rough way before releasing them. The other day I was in a similar situation and realized that I don't know well what the best practices are either. I get that keeping them in the water and using a landing net are two essentials, but what else is ther... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
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What are the disadvantages of using a lighter fly line than the indicated for the reel? I'm thinking about buying a new reel for my weight 8 rod (which I use for steelhead), but want also to use it for my weight 5 rod (which I use for trout). The reel is supposed to be used with lines weight 7 to 9, but I wonder if its performance will be affected if I use a lighter line. Anyone there w... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |