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Edit Post #41852 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #41190 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #41188 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #41178 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #41159 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #41158 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #41157 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #40226 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #40220 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #40168 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #40146 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: Dealing with wildlife in the desert of California/Nevada in general and in the White Mountains in particular
The other answers have great information. I would add some specifics that I have learned from living and backpacking all over Arizona and the white mountains for most of my life. Don't have everyone pee on the same rock/place at night. It will dry out and the salt can attract deer. If they get broug...
almost 12 years ago
Answer A: Experiences hiking with a baby: backpacks
Yes! This is a rewarding and awesome experience. I have three children that I take hiking all the time. My youngest is almost a month old and he hasn't been out yet, but will as soon as he has a bit of neck control. I was also raised going on many hikes in my father's pack. I have the old pack that...
about 12 years ago
Question Is there a large difference in WFA (Wilderness First Aid) programs?
I am looking at taking a WFA (Wilderness First Aid) class and there are a couple of outfits in my area offering it. Namely, SOLO, NOLS, and The American Red Cross. I have heard nothing but great things about all programs, and am curious if there really is a big difference. I know this sounds like a ...
over 12 years ago
Answer A: Jerky or Freeze-dried food : Is the salt they contain a concern?
Most of the food I take on trips is low in sodium content by design, so I usually specifically plan on taking some overly salty foods. Like Jerky, although I have done Pringles on some shorter trips. I used to also take several small disposable salt packets and put one or two in my water bottle when...
over 12 years ago
Question How to prevent skin cracks?
So every winter working in the dry cold, my skin, on my hands and feet, cracks. Particularly between my fingers and toes. What can I do to prevent this?
over 12 years ago
Answer A: How do I reseal a tent bottom with many pinprick holes
Basically, if you can't patch them individually there are only 2 real options left. First, get a new tent. Every tent I have had has developed this over time unless used with a tarp underneath. Any roll on sealant that would work, would increase the weight about as much as a light weight tarp. Also,...
over 12 years ago
Answer A: Where can I find an iodine crystal water purification product?
You might want to take a look at this site which is in Canada, but ships to the USA. Due note that since the DEA is restricting/banning the product, buying iodine crystals through the mail might get seized coming into the country. If you want to help Polar Pure come back, take a look here for info ...
over 12 years ago
Answer A: Cascades mountaineering school
I have heard that RMI (one of the places you listed) is great as well as Alpine Assents, but neither are very formal in the guide education area. Try taking a look at National Outdoor Leadership School. They have a pretty well setup program and work with some schools to get you credit (if you need it...
over 12 years ago
Answer A: Should I worry about moisture in my inflatable sleeping pad?
No. It's a good thought, but I have had one that I have inflated by mouth for over 10 years. I usually store it valve open partially inflated. I live in Arizona and the temp in the shed can get to over 150 degrees F some days so valve closed would cause the bubble to pop. It has never given me troubl...
over 12 years ago
Question Does Moss only grow on the North side of trees?
Well does it? Or does it only grow on one side? Or does it grow only on the side further from the equator? Is there any truth to this old adage?
over 12 years ago
Question What backwoods trick to get pure water produces the most safe water?
So I read this answer and I was wondering what contraption produce the most water when you don't have a water source? So what water trap produces the most water? Specifically, what should I do with my plastic bags/baggies that will net the most water per bag/baggie so I can spend less time setting up...
over 12 years ago
Answer A: How to properly lace hiking boots?
It sounds like you need a way to keep the entire shoe tight while not tight directly over the bend in your ankle. There are Lacing techniques that can accomplish this. The easiest would be to gap lace them with the gap in the spot where your ankle turns up. If this doesn't work I would also try the...
over 12 years ago
Question Which types of wood will make food taste bad?
So other than toxic burning wood, which types of wood are safe to use for cooking fires but will just make my food taste bad? I live in the Southwest, and all types of woods that I have cooked over have been delicious (well, okay at least). An answer on another question brought my attention that some...
over 12 years ago
Question Which wood sources produce toxic smoke?
So the title says it all. If I am scavenging wood in the wilderness, does some of it burn toxic? If so what kinds. This question is derived from this answer.
over 12 years ago
Question Can I replace Dish soap?
I have been trying to get my weight down on longer backpacking trips. I have already taken to buying very strong soap and using very little, but I was wondering is there something I can replace the dish soap with that will still clean whatever I cooked in that can be made/scavenged in the wilderness?...
over 12 years ago
Question Can I heat a shelter with fire?
So I built my survival shelter and I decide a nice fire would really warm things up. Is there a way I can build a fire that would heat the shelter without too much smoke? I know I could make the shelter better and warmer, and I would need to sit and stare at the fire making sure it didn't burn the sh...
over 12 years ago
Question Cooking over a fire
Is there a way to make a wood fire that is good for cooking? Why is it better than others? Assume little to no wind. Would it make a difference if I cooking hot dogs on a stick or a steak?
over 12 years ago
Answer A: What are "Aggressive" climbing Shoes?
Aggressive Climbing shoes are often also referred to as Cambered. The Arch of the foot and/or the toe point downward. Non-aggressive shoes have a flat bottom. Images compliments of Some people will use the term aggressive to mean tighter as well, but I have seen that to be less common. You ...
over 12 years ago
Question Preferred way to wrap someone with Hypothermia?
So I know How to treat hypothermia. That question and answer, however, do not address the old recommendation I have heard a 100 times of strip them down and get in a sleeping bag with them. Is that preferable, or is it better to just wrap them up alone? Assuming all their clothes are wet.
over 12 years ago
Answer A: Are used climbing shoes safe?
Safe? Yes. As in your life usually doesn't depend on them. Safe, as in a safe buy? Also yes. When looking at used climbing shoes it really helps if you take someone along who knows what to look for and/or knows the shoes themselves. If you know what they look like new then you know what they should...
over 12 years ago
Answer A: How do I use these "guy line runners" to adjust the tension on my tent's lines?
I have used these once before but I do not have them any more to take my own pics with. The arrow points at the part of the rope you should pull. Pull it out until you have a big loop. Place the loop around your post or stake in the ground. Slide the Black piece of plastic up the rope until it is ...
over 12 years ago
Question What are "Aggressive" climbing Shoes?
This question was borrowed from a comment on this question. But what is meant by an "aggressive" climbing shoe? What is the difference in a non-aggressive shoe? And when would you use one over the other? Please use pics, I am a visual person.
over 12 years ago
Answer A: Ideal and Minimal Rope Diameter for Lead Climbing
What Rory Alsop posted is great info that is "internet safe" and a great rule of thumb. Many companies, however, will rate their ropes down to 9mm as single rope safe. In areas where rope protectors are often used, climbers safely go down to 8mm. I regularly climb with a Mammut Infinity 9.5mm. Compa...
over 12 years ago
Answer A: Bowline knot, end at the inside or outside?
The Ashley Book of Knots (published 1944) references the outside bowline as "inferior" but just says weakness nothing specific. In America the "outside" bowline is often called the "Dutch" bowline or Cowboy Bowline. So since, you ask, why is the bowline on Outdoor Stack Exchange tied with the end on ...
over 12 years ago
Question How do I prevent rocks or sand from getting in my boots?
So when I hike, usually I get a small pebble or two, or sand in my boots. How can I prevent this? I already wear pretty tight boots, and stopping every so often to take off a boot and get a rock out is annoying.
over 12 years ago
Answer A: Replacement tap for Coleman 5 gal. water carrier
Not sure if they carry the diameter you are looking for but when a spigot breaks on one of my canisters I usually go to Ace Hardware and pickup a replacement. I have had good luck with Rubbermaid ones. I would expect stores like Home Depot or Lowes to have them as well. The Reliance ones work if th...
over 12 years ago
Answer A: How to choose a class of rapids for a variety of skill levels?
Yes. Class IV would be unsafe for the group as a whole, if it occurs in the first couple of days of the trip. If you have 1 or 2 experienced people in the paddle raft and you keep one at the back to set the pace and call commands you should be fine in class III, with a good riverside training the mor...
over 12 years ago
Answer A: What brands make propane lanterns, stoves, heaters, and accessories in America?
I think what you are looking for is Century Camping gear. It is mostly made in USA and they have all the accessories that you are looking for. If something they sell is made elsewhere, they note the country of origin in the product specs. Coleman still makes some stuff here but most of it is in Chin...
over 12 years ago
Answer A: Big group/basecamp tent
I have a 24' diameter Tipi that I use for this type of thing and it works great. I have a small coal fire going the entire time and with 6 people it is plenty warm and spacious. I have had as many as 10 people staying it and it fit gear and cots no problem but it started to get crowded. I have gone w...
over 12 years ago
Question What is the best stroke for swimming in rapids aggressively?
So I know that most swimming in rapids should be defensive, on your back feet together and pointed downstream. However, there are times you need some good aggressive swimming to get to an eddie or out of the way of a nasty hazard like wood or a hole. Is there a better stroke than the crawl or the b...
over 12 years ago
Answer A: Would a tampon be a good addition to a survival kit
Most of the uses can be also accomplished with a heavy gauze pad in the same size. If you need them or carry them for their original use then it is good to have an idea of what else you can use them for. I grew up with older sisters, both parents and no brothers. We were a very active family and I ...
over 12 years ago
Question Practicality of Beards
I have several friends with full beards. After talking at length with one, he started to convince me the protection it offers might be worth it. So, I thought I would come and ask. What are the Pros and Cons of beards as they relate to the outdoors? Does it provide any protection from the elements?...
almost 13 years ago
Question Material of shirt for desert hiking
I have pretty much always worn 100% cotton shirts when hiking but I have been reading more and more about the amazing "wicking" properties of other fabrics. Is there one that will keep me cooler than 100% cotton when hiking in the desert?
almost 13 years ago
Question Long or short sleeves on a hike in the Desert?
I have heard different things from different people, but here in the South West we do a decent amount of desert hiking. Protection from bugs is usually little concern because most of the time in the summer day it is too hot for them. So mainly my question is what is cooler to hike in, all else being...
almost 13 years ago
Answer A: Reattaching waterproof rubber on GPS
I probably wouldn't use regular epoxy. I have had trouble with it on rubber around water. When I am trying to reseal rubber I use silicone sealant or seal cement or Super under water epoxy. The seal cement is neoprene but it dries waterproof. Any one should work just fine it only depends on what...
almost 13 years ago
Answer A: Packing delicate equipment for a hike
Hard walled cases. For my camera at first I would stuff it into a sock and wrap the remainder of that sock and another sock around the camera and call it good, then I saw a hard molded camera case in a store and threw it around a little bit in the store. After people stopped looking at me like I was ...
almost 13 years ago
Answer A: How can rope/cordage be packed to minimize tangles?
I pack it like you do, and rarely ever have trouble. I think the important steps are what you do when you go to use it and what you use it for. First when I go to use it I remove the cross wrap completely. I hold it by the loop at the top or bottom. Once the cross wrap is undone I pull the mid se...
almost 13 years ago
Answer A: How do I check paracord to determine if it's genuine?
As Mr. Wizard mentioned, you cannot tell if it can be trusted or not. This is why its good to keep an equipment log noting when important stuff like rope that you depend on is used and anything that happens to it. However, if you are given some paracord sealed from a manufacturer and you are curious...
almost 13 years ago
Question Pros and Cons of paracord
From a comment on the How to select paracord question I was curious, what is the benefit of paracord over hardware store yellow twisted poly stuff? The yellow stuff is cheap, readily available, floats, strong enough and easy to see as guylines and in trees. I have almost always used paracord, becau...
almost 13 years ago