Activity for fgysin reinstate Monica
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Edit | Post #39759 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #39742 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #39627 | Initial revision | — | almost 5 years ago |
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A: What does "UVA in-vitro 49" mean in a sunscreen's description? In vitro refers to tests being done "in the glass", i.e. in petri dishes or test tubes under laboratory conditions. After some googling I come to the conclusion that it very likely refers to the way the specific protection of this sunscreen, i.e. the spectral absorbance curve, is evaluated in laborat... (more) |
— | about 5 years ago |
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A: What's the best way to preserve a skull, without bleaching? I have a fair little collection of bones and skulls at home, which I have gathered since I was a kid on countless hikes and vacations in the great outdoors. What I normally do: If the skull doesn't stink that generally means there is no longer any decomposing flesh on it - and the odours would als... (more) |
— | about 5 years ago |
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A: Wild animals in Finland and Norway None. Bears and wolves are no safety concern in Norway and Finland. Both are shy and, since they are not used to human contact (opposite to say, some places in the US where bears are used to people) will try to avoid all human interaction. This will mean that they'll go out of their way to avoid you... (more) |
— | about 5 years ago |
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A: Where do I find hiking partners to go on glaciers/mountains? For Switzerland I suggest contacting your local section of the Swiss Alpine Club (or you might directly sign up for it). They have sections all over Switzerland in all major cities (and many many smaller towns and regions also) and have been one of the cornerstones of Swiss mountaineering for more th... (more) |
— | about 5 years ago |
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A: UK Puffball Identification To be honest, I'm not sure we have enough information here to help you in this case. There are many different kinds of puffballs, some are edible, some are not. Depending on the age they will also vary wildly in their look and consistency, so this makes it even harder. I can really only recommend tw... (more) |
— | about 5 years ago |
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A: Nails in an emergency/survival kit I think there are simply not that many uses for nails in emergency situations. Using nails as intended: If you want to build shelter or other wooden constructions you would need a lot of nails - which are heavy. Hammering in nails with a rock is rather annoying - and you're not planning to bring... (more) |
— | about 5 years ago |
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A: Rainfly window repair As the comments could be removed at some point I'll transform @Bob1's comment into an answer: This page here essentially explains step-by-step how to solve your problem - they also talk about a Marmot Limelight tent, and also have the issue that one of the transparent 'windows' came loose. --> MARM... (more) |
— | about 5 years ago |
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A: Surfacing out of a sunken ship/submarine - Survival Tips Even though the question describes a hypothetical and unlikely situation I think it has some merits as it is somewhat relevant for SCUBA diving also: it describes an emergency uncontrolled SCUBA ascent (swimming or buoyant). Note that the answer below assumes an absolute emergency only that requires... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: Outer Layer Recommendation Question What you certainly need: Water proof - well that's a must as your top outer layer. Make sure to not simply get something water resistant (like some soft shells), but pick a jacket that offers some proper protection against rain. Breathable - for hikes or even only when walking/biking your your home... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: How can I pack my food so it doesn't smell? Are you overthinking this? I was on many 1-3 week treks in northern Scandinavia and would personally not be looking forward to a solution that adds an other couple of 100 grams to my pack weight (such as waterproof dry bags, bear bags or hard-plastic containers...1). Unless you are very sensitive t... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: What's the minimum possible gap needed to tie a slack-line between two trees? Slack lining is actually a lot easier in the beginning the shorter your line is, as there will be less movement of the line (side-to-side wobble or up-and-down bouncing). There isn't really a minimum length for a slack line - personally, when I started out I sometimes set up a line no longer than som... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: Why is oilcloth made with linseed oil? In addition to the answer by Charlie, Linseed oil is probably used in many instructions because it is what was historically used to create oil cloth. A nice tutorial for creating historical oil cloth is for example the following YouTube video by an American reenactment channel: Oil Cloth - Waterpro... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: Finding fuel for a Trangia stove in Russia Alternative answer in case you can't reliably come up with a good fuel solution: buy an alternative burner for your Trangia stove. If finding ethanol fuel is too much of a hassle it might be worth considering buying a gas burner for the Trangia stove you already have. See for example here on the Tr... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: What makes a fisherman's hat so popular among outdoorsmen? Surprisingly, the simplest but in my eyes most important feature of fishermen hats was overlooked when it comes to archery: They have a brim that isn't stiff, and will bend/fold away when you draw the bow string close to your face. In classic recurve or compound archery the bowman draws the string ... (more) |
— | almost 6 years ago |
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A: Which stove fuel has best weight to bulk to heat ratio? As you are asking for a stove I'm assuming what you are really interested in is actually cooking/warming up water or food, and not simply the energy density of the fuel. (Btw, for fuel naming, see also How are camping fuels named in different languages and geographies?) Multiple factors play into th... (more) |
— | almost 6 years ago |
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Wet vs dry glacier What exactly is meant by the terms "wet" or "dry" glacier? This link here seems to point to the existence or absence of a film of melt-water below the glacier. This has an impact on how the glacier moves, but it is rarely of direct concern for mountaineers. However, the question and at least one of... (more) |
— | almost 6 years ago |
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A: Specific Chinese carabiner QA? These look like the Carabiners frequently used on Via Ferrata climbing kits. See for example these images on google. I am certain that you can find such carabiners from respectable brands with a known history of high quality gear that fulfils all the needed standards. They might be a little bit more... (more) |
— | about 6 years ago |
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A: What type of pants would be durable and suitable for outdoors in all kind of climates? When faced with many different conditions, the main requirement you need to fill is versatility. My favorite pants, by far, are the ones from Fjällräven. They do what most good outdoors/trecking pants do these days: they dry very quickly, they are lightweight and comfortable to wear. But,... (more) |
— | about 6 years ago |
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A: What features should I look for in a mini knife? While I'm unsure on what exactly is a small/mini knife for you I'm going to propose something nonetheless: Get a Swiss Army Knife. They come in all kinds of different sizes, so you should be able to find one that fits your idea of what a 'mini' knife is. Furthermore you can pick among countless ... (more) |
— | about 6 years ago |
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A: How do you patch/repair an inflatable dinghy while still underway? Obviously the best result you will get by using a proper patch kit for inflatables, likely a vulcanising rubber patch similar to what you're using to fix bicycle tyres. If you know what your'e doing you can apply those to an inflated boat in a pinch - it being in the water makes it a bit more difficu... (more) |
— | about 6 years ago |
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A: Correct way to wield a machete? You're gripping the handle too high. I know the problem you are describing from a similar situation arising in HEMA (historical european martial arts) sword fighting. There I use a Viking Spatha, the handle of which can look similar to what your machete looks like. And I actually had to fight with b... (more) |
— | about 6 years ago |
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How real is the danger of suffocation in an Igloo? Last weekend I spent a night in an igloo. The event was organised by professionals (it was a company retreat) and during the night there was always one of the guides awake making rounds and checking on the people in the igloos. They also made sure that the entrances stayed clear (there was some heavy... (more) |
— | about 6 years ago |
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A: Given limited space and weight what should I carry to get a fire going with damp wood? Bring skills. Skills are by far the lightest and most useful thing to carry. They are, however, also rather difficult and time-consuming to acquire (as compared to, say, some tools that you can simply go and buy in a shop). Here are some quick suggestions (thank you commenters): Collect the lowest... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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A: Tent in the rain I wouldn't say what you are experiencing is normal - my Helsport tent has been in use for at least 20 years (for weeks and weeks) and it is still working perfectly. Although, depending on the original quality of the tent I have to say that it is sadly possible. Test again Regretfully the tests you ... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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A: When should I avoid geotagging? My general experience is that the problem is really that most tourists are focused in some very tiny but extraordinary popular areas. For example I have seen places in the Rockies where you need to book your camping place slots months in advance... But if you simply visit the next valley over (litera... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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A: Will I be warmer in my sleeping bag inside or outside of my tent, when winter camping? Yes, a tent would have kept you warmer. Tents block the wind and thus will eliminate wind-chill. While insulation of a tent is not good, it will still allow your escaping body heat to be trapped inside the tent and raise its temperature by a couple of degrees. This will already make quite a differe... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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A: Yellow Overboot Repair The answer is (de-)vulcanization, at least for boots made from proper vulcanized rubber (some cheaper variants are made from vinyl for example - in this case this suggestion won't work). Assuming your boots are made from proper vulcanized rubber you can use a (de-)vulcanizing "glue" and patch. It's ... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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A: How stuffed is a sleeping bag stuffed in its recommended stuff sack size? I owned multiple (down) sleeping bags that came with their own specific compression bags. I assume these compression bags are chosen by the manufacturer to 'fit' the sleeping bags in question (as to how they might evaluate this I have no idea - I would assume it's mostly just a question of how easy i... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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A: how high does a fence need to be to prevent European brown bear to climb it? Lacking clear evidence/reports that the Eurasian Brown Bear is actually a problem anywhere I am issuing a frame challenge in suggesting just stop worrying about bears. If you want a passive bear-defence mechanism such as a non-electric fence it would need to be built exceptionally sturdy and rather... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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A: Two person sleeping bag liner for sleeping bag/staying in a hut? If it is more about hygiene/comfort when sleeping in huts and not about warmth, you could just go with a duvet/blanket cover. After all they are essentially shaped like very big bag - and coming in all sizes you should easily find one that is big enough to be used by 2 people. (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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A: How warm should a sleeping bag be to sleep in summer in the Alps comfortably? Can I safelly assume, that it will not get much below 0°C in summer in the Alps at around 2000 meters altitude? I would say that very broadly this assumption will hold, but the question is what you will be betting on it. There can certainly be situations where it gets colder, although this is p... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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A: Fending off a boar with an axe? The most useful thing you can do with an axe in case of a boar attack is throwing it into the bushes and climbing the nearest tree. Trying to melee with a charging boar is a bad ideaTM, regardless of what kind of weapon you are carrying. This mostly includes guns also, as a charge by a boar will not... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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Behavioural differences between European and North American Wolves There as been the claim that European and North American wolves behave differently, especially when it comes to encounters with humans. This was brought up in a comment in this question on a wolf encounter in Bulgaria. The claim seems to be that European wolves are more aggressive than their brethre... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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A: How to secure wild Red Eared turtle eggs from predators? My research has shown that a common technique used to protect turtle nest to build a nest cage over the nest. A nest cage is basically just a wire/mesh cage without a bottom/floor that will prevent predators from accessing/digging up the eggs, while still allowing for the normal climate and weather ... (more) |
— | almost 7 years ago |
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A: Does a sleeping bag comfort temperature rating increase with time? You can generally assume that sleeping bags will lose some of their loft/insulating effect over time, which essentially boils down to a decrease of their capability to keep you warm - thus increasing the comfort temperature level. (Meaning that you'll only be comfortable to a not-as-cold-as-before te... (more) |
— | almost 7 years ago |
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A: How to keep paper from being damaged by water in the outdoors? At the risk of stating the obvious... ... just not letting your paper get wet in the first place is by far the easiest and cheapest solution. How you might ask? These solutions worked well for me in the past: Use a map pouch for maps, papers, notes etc that you'll need to read often, but not edit... (more) |
— | almost 7 years ago |
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A: How are camping fuels named in different languages and geographies? Below a list of common camping fuels and their translated names. Please do leave a comment and/or edit this answer if you think there are errors or if you can fill the gaps or provide more information. Note that some of the listed substances are not frequently used as fuel, but I think listing ... (more) |
— | almost 7 years ago |
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How are camping fuels named in different languages and geographies? There exist a plethora of different camping fuels, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your cooking equipment (mainly the used stove/burner) and the environmental conditions it is generally quite important to know which fuel to buy and use. This is made a lot harder by the... (more) |
— | almost 7 years ago |
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A: How to avoid getting cold when diving? As an answer that will be of immediate use without investing a lot of money: You can wear two wetsuits, one over the other. I have done this in the past when the rental place couldn't provide a warm enough one in my needed size. It will restrict your mobility a little, so this is certainly not an o... (more) |
— | almost 7 years ago |
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A: What do I need to do to a tent that's been stored for a long time? Additionally to what April mentioned I would: Check if any of the plastic parts (if there are any) got brittle. If they did I would replace them (this should be easy if the tent is actually still produced). If the zippers are metal, check them for rust. If they are rusty and tend to get stuck I sug... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |
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Foraging food in Kungsleden/Kebnekaise/Sarek (SWE) region in summer This summer I will (once more) go for an extended trek in the very north of Sweden (and/or Norway). The region we'll likely end up in will be around the big trekking routes Kungsleden/Padjelantaleden/Nordkalottleden, also nearby is Swedens highest mountain, Kebnekaise, and the famous Sarek national p... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |
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Are there tents with better space-to-weight ratio than tunnel tents? Sadly after many years my trusted Helsport tunnel tent1 took some damage in a storm that I'm not sure will be repairable. I'm therefore looking into the possibility of getting a new tent. When I looked into tent trade-offs last, tunnel tents where the ones who provided the best ratio in terms of int... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |
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Do square-riggers also use 'aircraft-wing-style' propulsion? These questions (one, two) about sail wetting/trimming raised another question for me. Disclaimer: I'm at best a novice sailor, and I've never sailed on a square rigger. As far as I understood (see this article) sails work in 2 ways: Running directly before the wind the sail essentially just pushe... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |
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A: Are the orienteering marches popular in Germany? I can give an answer for Switzerland: Orienteering in Switzerland is comparatively popular and widely known - and also called "OL/Orientierungslauf" (incidentally, Switzerland is also rather good at this in competitions). I don't know how prevalent this is, but in my childhood orienteering was one... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |
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A: What can I do if I have 24-hour warning of very strong wind gusts (45–50 m/s), but I cannot reach a fixed shelter within this period? In addition to Charlie's answer on building a shelter: Make sure you don't have to move once the storm hits. You'll likely hardly be able to walk around safely, so make sure you're in the best spot already. Stay well above the waterline to avoid raising rivers/flash floods. Stay away from ravines... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |
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How did Viking era hikers carry their gear and provisions? I'm interested in how Viking era1) hikers carried their gear and provisions while out and about on foot. My focus here would be longer walks in civilian life, e.g. to get from farm A to farm B. I.e. no raiding parties, travel on horse back, etc... I have seen some interpretations in videos of reenac... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |
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A: Under what conditions can a guide be highly confident of protecting clients against brown bears without using firearms? They might be confident to carry bear spray because it is the better and safer option than carrying a gun. This was discussed a bunch of times on TGO already, one example of it can be found in this answer here, which cites sources claiming that bear spray shows 98% effectiveness in deterring grizzly... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |