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18.7k posts
+3 −0
Meta Duplicate posts:

Duplicate posts: Both of these links to go the same content "Is it possible to make a slingshot from "Natural" resources?" https://outdoors.codidact...

1 answer  ·  posted 5y ago by James Jenkins‭  ·  edited 5y ago by James Jenkins‭

+3 −0
Meta Relink local questions?

I am going through my answers that migrated over. Many of them have links to posts on TGO.SE. I have been manually editing them to point to the post here. Is it possible or desirable to automa...

0 answers  ·  posted 5y ago by James Jenkins‭  ·  edited 5y ago by Monica Cellio‭

Question discussion
+3 −0
Meta Is pool maintenance on topic?

I see "Swimming" is listed in the Help page on scope, but I'm not sure if that's that solely regarding the "sport" itself somehow, or if questions on how to maintain an outdoor pool (measuring pH, ...

1 answer  ·  posted 5y ago by Peter Cooper Jr.‭  ·  last activity 5y ago by Charlie Brumbaugh‭

Question discussion scope
+3 −0
Meta Gear Recommendations

Charlie I saw the new Gear Recommendations my first impression is that I like it. My second thought is that there are probably a lot of post in the primary Q&A that would fit nicely there. Is i...

1 answer  ·  posted 5y ago by James Jenkins‭  ·  last activity 5y ago by ArtOfCode‭

Question discussion
+3 −0
Meta Is pool maintenance on topic?

Yes that would be on topic. Maintaining or building things for outdoor activities like climbing walls or trails is on topic. Also, indoor versions of outdoor activities are also on topic.

posted 5y ago by Charlie Brumbaugh‭

+3 −0
Q&A Hiking with a mule or two?

If you are too old and out of shape to hike alone, you are too old and out of shape to take care of a mule or two alone. Animal care is a 24/7/365 job, hiking is a hobby that occurs when you are in...

posted 5y ago by James Jenkins‭  ·  edited 5y ago by James Jenkins‭

+3 −0
Q&A What is this metal plate at the top of Mount Hoffman?

That is half of an old summit registry box. That one is missing the top and might not be the exact style but the full ones look like this. Source You can see more pictures of them here and a hi...

posted 5y ago by Charlie Brumbaugh‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Charlie Brumbaugh‭

+3 −0
Q&A How to explain unexpected success following a bearing taken from an iPad

Let's address what you refer to as "Grid declination". Unfortunately, there are two competing definitions: First, the definition you are conforming to, is that it is the angle from grid north to m...

posted 5y ago by Martin F‭

+3 −0
Q&A Winter boots for -40°C that are snowshoe and crampon compatible?

The advice on Kamik etc is good. A: I buy them 2 sizes larger than my normal size. This allows me to wear 2 thick pairs of socks inside the already thick felt liners. B: Verify that you can r...

posted 5y ago by Sherwood Botsford‭

+3 −0
Q&A Winter boots for -40°C that are snowshoe and crampon compatible?

Many good suggestions here; regardless of your choice of boot, MAKE CERTAIN THEY FIT WELL while wearing two pairs of socks. Too tight boots will cut off circulation and be wickedly uncomfortable. G...

posted 5y ago by M.Mat‭

+3 −0
Q&A Camping site suggestions

It depends on the kind of camping you want to do. The easiest type of camping to find is camping at a campground. Usually this involves paying a nightly fee (often around $20-30 per night) for a ...

posted 5y ago by csk‭

+3 −0
Q&A In the United States, how steep can a handicap-accessible trail be?

The most official document for the US is Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines. There is no simple single number for maximum grade. Your are allowed steeper grade for shorter lengths, and ...

posted 5y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

+3 −0
Q&A What are the safety concerns of a high vs a low mount trailer hitch?

I now have about 100 miles (160 KM) towing my 17 foot canoe behind my bike all of it with the hitch mounted to the seat post. I have been averaging about 5 - 6 miles per hour for distances of up to...

posted 5y ago by James Jenkins‭

+3 −0
Q&A Adjusting derailleur with bike upside down, is it ok?

Yes, turning the bike upside down is the best way to adjust the derailleur without a bike stand. It puts the derailleur closer to you and keeps both wheels and pedals free of the ground. The only s...

posted 5y ago by Sigma‭

+3 −0
Q&A What are some good ways to go outdoors in a city while safely social distancing?

I would suggest trying to get walks in either much earlier in the day or much later. There usually aren't very many people walking around at either sunrise or around sunset and there is usually at...

posted 5y ago by Charlie Brumbaugh‭

+3 −0
Q&A Equipment for driving off road in the Northeast United States

This isn't a direct answer to your question, but there are very few roads in the White Mountains that are open to the public that can't be used by passenger cars. A Subaru Forester would certainly...

posted 5y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

+3 −0
Q&A How to cut and seal backpack straps?

I assume you mean the nylon webbing straps. There are a couple good ways to do this! I recommend a practice run or two with the unwanted end so you have a good idea what you're doing. Also, make su...

posted 5y ago by Sigma‭  ·  edited 5y ago by Sigma‭

+3 −0
Q&A Would an Ursack stop marmots?

No, the Ursack is only bear proof. If you want protection against smaller critters you need the Ursack Allmitey From the company site No need to choose between bear and critter protection. The Ur...

posted 5y ago by James Jenkins‭

+3 −0
Q&A Are there any tricks to get a fish to commit to biting a fly?

In my personal experience: Keep the fly moving. A moving fly is a meal that is about to escape. A fly that is not moving, needs only to be protected from others until you decide if you want it or n...

posted 5y ago by James Jenkins‭

+3 −0
Q&A Akita as my hunting buddy

I would definitely say that the Akita has the capacity to be a hunting dog. For clarity, there are two main variants of the Akita; in the US, they are lumped together as just the Akita, but in coun...

posted 4y ago by Canina‭

+3 −0
Q&A Towing with a Recumbent Trike, Tadpole or Delta?

After lengthy consideration, I went with the delta. My particular trike has one wheel drive. After the first outing I put a knobby tire on the drive wheel. I have always made sufficient traction ...

posted 4y ago by James Jenkins‭

+3 −0
Q&A When are cottontail rabbits most active?

As far as I know, all rabbits (domesticated or wild) are most active at both dawn and dusk - they are crepuscular. The reason for this behavior is supposedly to avoid predators. So either head out ...

posted 4y ago by Lundin‭

+3 −0
Q&A Water preparation on desert hiking

I served in an Army that tried that. "Water discipline" was used to try and make soldiers get used to using less water. It failed miserably: People died or got seriously hurt, there was no visible...

posted 5y ago by Rsf‭  ·  edited 1y ago by Michael‭

+3 −0
Q&A How well do mosquito clothing patches work?

If you have a look through the information provided by the page you linked, they state: Our patches are made out of citronella, lavender, and lemon These three plants all exude chemicals (ci...

posted 5y ago by bob1‭

+3 −0
Q&A Can any automotive fluids be made safe to drink?

There are three fluids in your car that contain water: the battery electrolyte, the washer fluid, and the coolant. Everything else is hydrocarbon-based, and in a properly-functioning car, contains...

posted 7y ago by Mark‭
