Maximum slope angle for boots?
Obviously, there is no limit when you talk about climbing or using alpine equipment, but what about maintaining a constant speed while walking, without crampons, and staying on feet, no scrambling?
Is there a way to estimate the maximum slope angle walkable in hiking or tracking boots on various terrain types?
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What's the limitation here? Back in the old days there were no climbing boots available so rock climbers used boots (maybe enhanced with metal plates). Also in icy terrain this was the case. Even when Eiger Northface was climbed first not all party members had crampons. (people also climbed barefoot very steep and tough rock routes, even today some are doing this)
So it is possible to climb steep without the high-tech equipment we are blessed to be able to play around with today.
If you want a maximum slope angle where typical hiking is healthy this depends highly on your physique. So I would say there is no formula or something like that to answer your question.
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Maximum angle depends on the type of rock and on the type of your boots.
There are too many factors to think about, so maybe the question about maximal angle is not useful. Consider the following:
- Is the rock wet or iced? If yes, this may severely limit your walking abilities.
- Is the rock covered with a thin layer of sand or gravel? (you will slip all the time)
- Is the rock crumbling, with a potentially dangerous fall?
- Is the rock a monolithic limestone with small sharp ridges caused by rain, like this?
Just found an example GPS log of a hike, where I went up and down such slopes with average angle of 15-40° (average 30°). I had light flexible boots, which, I imagine, improved traction - so this may be close to the most favorable combination.
This post was sourced from It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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