Recipe for backcountry ice cream?
In honor of National Ice Cream Month, does anyone have a good back-country ice cream recipe they could share?
Bonus points for ones that don't require ice (ice field, glacier, etc.)
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As a kid we made "backpackers ice cream" something like this... 1 package Dream Whip (topping mix) 1 package Jell-O pudding powdered milk (enough to make 2 cups milk as required by the pudding mix) water (enough to make the milk - 2 cups)
Mix the above in a pot or baggie and chill as well as you're able - a cold stream works.
I doubt you'll ever get an ice cream headache from this, but it was a fun treat.
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The way I see it, you have two options:
- Buy some astronaut ice cream.
- Bring/find some ice and make ice cream in a plastic sandwich bag.
I bet you could easily replace the ice in the standard 'ice cream in a bag' recipes with snow. You might have some trial-and-error to get the proportions right, but I bet it would work.
Personally, I would just bring some astronaut ice cream and sit around the camp site telling stories about the space program. But that's just me.
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