Where in Europe is wild camping permitted?
Is there any resource (website, book, etc) that lists all European countries, and the state of free camping?
Specifically, I want to see in which European countries I'm not fined when I place my tent somewhere outside of an official camping ground.
Croatia: Generally, it's prohibited anywhere to camp (strictly prohibited in national parks). Not even if landowner give …
8y ago
Additional for Greece: I'm a wild camper for many years in Greece. I have never any issue with locals or police.. Ok, I …
9y ago
Switzerland again: all farmland and forest area is owned by someone who has to give you permission. However, I never b …
10y ago
This is a pure theory, if you're asking about permission... you have to understand that the rules and laws are set up fo …
13y ago
Don't even think about wild camping in Italy. In most cities it is illegal, and more important it is highly dangerous. D …
13y ago
After a bit of digging I found this, which covers some in Europe (not extensively as I first thought!) It's worth point …
13y ago
Italy Wild camping in Italy is actually not directly regulated (the link is only in Italian, sorry). In general, if cam …
6y ago
Some extra info about France. In general, wild camping is forbidden in France, except when stated otherwise. As any oth …
8y ago
There's quite a good guide I've found on wild camping in the UK here: Wild Camping. In general, there's more acceptance …
9y ago
I've wild camped in Italy around Lake Como, Sardinia, Norway, all over the UK and all over France including bang outside …
9y ago
It is generally illegal in Denmark. You may sleep on all beaches, but you are not allowed to pitch a tent on beaches. In …
10y ago
In Greece wild camping is illegal in general. The more famous/well known is the place where you camp, the more probable …
10y ago
Romania: I have some experiences here, and I can say that wild camping is permitted, unless it is someone's land surroun …
10y ago
It's legal to camp almost everywhere in the Czech and Slovak Republics except national parks. You are not allowed to mak …
10y ago
In Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland You can camp almost anywhere in forest and near public waters. Latvia is forest co …
10y ago
Camping by small van or large estate car mpv, overnight without problems in Spain, beach parking areas and beach, especi …
12y ago
In Serbia it is legal and everywhere is free.
12y ago
I can only answer for Switzerland. It's legal to "wildcamp" and most ground belongs to Farmers which can be asked anytim …
12y ago
I think this is also called "Freedom to roam". Here is a list of countries with detailed information of what is allowed …
13y ago
Generally in England and Wales it is illegal to wild camp anywhere without prior permission from the land owner. Althoug …
13y ago
In Scotland, it is allowed, with conditions. Wild camping in Scotland One restriction that I know of is that camping i …
13y ago
It's allowed in Sweden. It's called Allemansrätten.
13y ago
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In Scotland, it is allowed, with conditions.
One restriction that I know of is that camping is not allowed on the eastern shore of Loch Lomond. There are likely to be restrictions during the hunting season as well, there are phone lines where you can find out about hunting activities.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/260. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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After a bit of digging I found this, which covers some in Europe (not extensively as I first thought!)
It's worth pointing out that while for some (and probably most people here) wild camping means free-camping wandering around with a tent and supplies on foot, for many others it can mean driving around and parking up somewhere in a motor home. I refer to the first variety here, and this is the sort that is much less likely to give you problems (especially in countries where it's borderline.)
In any country, but especially those where it's more of a grey area, if you know where you're going beforehand then a quick call to the landowner (if any) to check that it's ok won't do you any harm. While it may not always be necessary, it may help to put your mind at rest so you're not worried about being approached or asked to leave during your stay.
Anyway, a general summary of countries in that link and elsewhere:
- France (See above link) A legal grey area, but is generally tolerated with the permission of landowners, or if you're well away from tourist sites. Don't light any fires.
- England and Wales (See above link) Generally not allowed without prior permission, though there are some exceptions (Dartmoor being the biggest one.)
- Scotland (See above link) Legal pretty much anywhere.
- Ireland It's tolerated in the more rural places, though it may be wise to obtain permission beforehand if you can.
- Spain and Portugal I believe it's tolerated but only in certain locations. Best to check with the landowner first to be sure.
- Germany Most of the links I can find suggest that it's not strictly speaking legal, but that many people have done it without any issues (providing you follow sensible precautions of course.)
- Netherlands Generally not allowed. There are a few spots where it is allowed, near a designated pole for so called 'pole camping' (paalkamperen)
- Italy (See above link) It doesn't seem to be tolerated, in fact most sources I can find seem to say it's explicitly banned in many places. Having said that, the same link also says there's lots of good campsites in a lot of nice locations around, so that may be your alternative. (Edit: This may be a little harsher than reality, see Tullochgorum's comment below.)
- Greece (See above link) Illegal, but the rule is apparently rampantly ignored, with many unpoliced areas. The risk is on you if you try it here.
- Norway Legal pretty much anywhere. Right to Roam.
- Sweden Legal pretty much anywhere. Outdoor Access Rights.
- Finland Legal pretty much anywhere. Everyman’s rights and the code of conduct on private land.
- Bulgaria (See above link) An interesting one - I can't find any sources saying whether it's legal or not, but in the summer apparently hundreds of hippy families relocate to the beaches, wild camp there and often strip nude for good measure.
- Estonia (See above link) A legal grey area, widely tolerated but best to obtain permission from the land owner beforehand.
- Albania Legal here on public land, but sometimes restricted for environmental reasons. Check first.
- Austria Can't find any authoritative sources. General consensus is that it seems to be discouraged, but as long as you're sensible then there shouldn't be an issue.
- Faroe Islands Not permitted. Camping is only permitted at designated campsites.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/111. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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Switzerland again:
all farmland and forest area is owned by someone who has to give you permission.
However, I never bother, but I apply strictly no/low impact techniques: Cooking only in designated recreational areas, and not where I will camp and sleep; camp and sleep in a "stealth camp", sneaking in when night falls, disappearing in the morning before anyone notices you are there. Above the alpine grasslands, and even in the grasslands if there is not yet or no more stock present, bivouacking is accepted if you leave no trace (trash!)
A lager group or a longer stay should always go for the landowners prior consent.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/7390. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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Don't even think about wild camping in Italy. In most cities it is illegal, and more important it is highly dangerous. Depending on the area, you may be mugged, raped, stabbed, or flash flooded by a torrent of mud.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/156. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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Additional for Greece:
I'm a wild camper for many years in Greece. I have never any issue with locals or police.. Ok, I am careful in general but I guess also lucky. :) Yes, it is illegal and you must know where to go. The best is to ask the locals, or other campers that you will find there. As a general rule, after sunset you wont have any issue putting the tent. If you have are not sure about the place and have a relatively small tent then the safest is to just flatten it by day. Nobody is going to give you a fine for having a picnic.. Also is a little difficult to give you a fine if you are in the beach, or just somewhere away from the tent.. All these of course vary from place to place.
I will list a few places that come in mind bellow:
Samothraki: Extremely beautiful island. You can easily camp in the forest and near the natural bathtubs and waterfalls. Also there is a government "wild living "campsite" that is nice and really cheap.
Other islands: Skopelos, Limnos (unfortunately is not that green), Lesvos: highly recommended for camp in different place every night. There are so much to see in this pretty big island. Crete is also highly recommended.
Halkidiki: Its mainland and its separated in 3 peninsulas. Forger about the southern (1st as we say) as is the most touristic and mainly full or hotels, clubs and nightlife. The middle peninsula has places like, Kavourotrypes (too many people the last years unfortunately), Kriaritsi, Kalamitsi. If you are driving on this route you can also find countless quiet and nice places to camp. The northern peninsula is more wild but not less beautiful. Around Olympiada and further towards the edge of the peninsula there are many beaches. I would also recommend to take the mountain road above Olympiada. The forest is vast, wildly beautiful and full or natural fountains.
I think that as long as you are away from villages and the road, respect the people around as well as the nature you'll be fine in many places and islands.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/12940. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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Croatia: Generally, it's prohibited anywhere to camp (strictly prohibited in national parks). Not even if landowner gives you a permission. Camping is allowed only in camps that have permission for that business.
However, law says that local authorities can allow camping in some areas during specific events.
If you plan to do wild camping in Croatia outside of tourist regions, as long as you don't do any damage to your surroundings, they will NEVER try to fine you. In most cases they will even ask if you need any help...
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/15921. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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This is a pure theory, if you're asking about permission... you have to understand that the rules and laws are set up for people that park 3 cars, make 5 big tents, lot of noise and leave a lot of rubish. Practically, when you are a good outdoor person, quiet and never leaving any rubish behind you, and you need just sleep for one night somewhere with just a sleeping bag or maybe small tent when it rains / it's cold, then I think this is not a real "camping" and it's not a problem almost anywhere. I'm normally doing this without any problems even in countries like Austria (once we slept under the sign "Kampieren verboten" which translates to "Camping prohibited" in english :-))
So, just don't provoke the land owners too much, build your tent somewhere hidden and after it gets dark, and leave the place soon in the morning. The less people know about you, the better, also for your safety. Sometimes the land owners notice you and are very friendly, especially in countries like Spain and even in Austria :) I didn't have any problems after years of this practice.
Don't sleep this way in big cities, it's dangerous. You may get robbed. The more abandoned / outdoor site it is, the safer for you.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/595. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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Romania: I have some experiences here, and I can say that wild camping is permitted, unless it is someone's land surrounded by a fence, however loose or abandoned it may seem (although in Romania you can never know who owns which patch of land, but mostly it is safe and fine). There are plenty of good places for wild camping, especially if you get a bit away from the main tourist tracks, which tend to have some trash here and there, as a result of the irresponsible city people.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/5939. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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Camping by small van or large estate car mpv, overnight without problems in Spain, beach parking areas and beach, especially Castel de Ferro area, Almeria coast line, you come across a few camper vans and also local rod fishermen night fishing forming tents with umbrellas and the like.
France - Parked all over BUT discreet! Places in villages as in center parking, back lane, or grassed parking areas, some have designated areas in small towns, there's also lay-byes that are well off road in places, on the main route's lay-byes are used by many and some have toilets, I am always aware to park either where others are or completely out of vision for safety, I have only been moved once, there was a big boules tournament following day, I should have noticed adverts, so always check!!! Could end up in middle of a car boot sale in morning, thats been done!
So really just use common-sense and respect.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/4122. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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There's quite a good guide I've found on wild camping in the UK here: Wild Camping.
In general, there's more acceptance than you'd expect from simply reading the laws, if you show respect.
- In Scotland, the law is different to the rest of the UK. Generally you're allowed to camp on the majority of unenclosed land if you follow a (sensible) code of conduct. There are some exceptions around Loch Lomond and the Trossachs.
- In England and Wales, with the exception of Dartmoor, the law says there's no right without the owner's permission.
- In practise, so long as you follow the wild camping code and behave, you will often be OK. But you do need to move on if asked.
- High up in the Lakes and Snowdonia, you should be fine.
- The Peak District and Yorkshire Dales and Moors are not so easy, because of the fire risk on dry moorland.
- Bivvying is tolerated on Exmoor, for single night stops.
- Two locations are officially allowed in the Brecon Beacons - Mellte and Llech Llia.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/11849. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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It's allowed in Sweden. It's called Allemansrätten.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/240. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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It's legal to camp almost everywhere in the Czech and Slovak Republics except national parks. You are not allowed to make a campfire closer than 50 m from the forest. Although there is a small risk of being fined.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/5932. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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I've wild camped in Italy around Lake Como, Sardinia, Norway, all over the UK and all over France including bang outside Nice airport in the central reservation of the dual carriageway. Never had one problem in 15 years.
Like everyone has said be discreet. Camp late, leave early, noise to a minimum, no fires. Basically tuck yourself away out of site and you'll be fine.
After all, if someone is wandering around in a remote spot, in the middle of the night they are either lost or a nutter! And they'll think the same of you.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/11839. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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Some extra info about France.
In general, wild camping is forbidden in France, except when stated otherwise. As any other country, France has a number of regional and national natural parks, where "bivouac" (setting up your tent after 7pm and packing it back before 8am) might be allowed. Regulations are specific to each park, and you should get to know it before you enter it and plan to camp there.
A park's regulation can also depend on factors:
- time of the year. eg., some parks only allow it during the summer.
- location within the park. Some parks allow wild camping in general, but not in certain locations due to specific reasons (high natural hazards, water contamination risks, etc.). The areas where wild camping is specifically forbidden are marked by signs on the side of paths accessing said areas. Those signs most likely will only be written in French. In a way, these are "exceptions within exceptions", since camping in natural parks are already an exception within the French law.
- temporary risk (eg, if a huge wildfire is going on).
I have never seen natural parks allowing campfires, or leaving your tent up at the same location at daytime. Might exist but I seriously doubt it. Don't be an idiot and light campfires in the wilderness; bring a stove and a gas can.
If you scroll down a bit on this web page, you will find a map of France with all said parks and their current regulation. I am sorry, everything is in French. If some things are still cryptic through Google translate, feel free to ask me.
Worth noting that like other European countries, France also has a number of free, non-guarded shelters, mostly in mountainous areas. Most of these shelters consist of a small room with a stove for heating, and a second "floor" right below the roof where you can sleep. These shelters are quite rustic, and are mostly maintained on a volunteer basis, by local people, or alpine clubs, for example. You can expect to find wood there for using with the stove. Common practice is bringing back into the shelter as much wood as you have used, obviously. Such shelters are marked with a "empty red house" pictograph on IGN maps (those are the reference maps in France). On this website, you can find more or less updated infos about most shelters, like, if it has been vandalized, water access, a stove, wood, etc. Once again, it's all in French.
As most people already have said, if you are discrete enough, you probably will not get caught even when camping in illegal areas. However, the author's question specifically asked about where it was legal. Obviously, camping on private land is OK if you have the owner's approval.
One last anecdote: during my teenage years, I went hiking for several days in Corsica, where wild camping is strictly forbidden. Putting up your tent close to guarded shelters was allowed, as long as you paid something like 5€/night/person. At the end of the trip, we were all lacking money, and could not pay this fee (yes, we were pretty stupid back then). We ended up playing it fair and going to the guards saying we could not afford it. All of them were OK with that, as long as we stayed close to the shelters. They insisted on warning us that if we were to be found wild camping in forbidden areas, they would fine us hard. They actually did that to another group of people. Moral of the story: just play it fair and remember that the guards' main concern is the protection of the park.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/13448. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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Wild camping in Italy is actually not directly regulated (the link is only in Italian, sorry). In general, if camping is not forbidden, then it is legal; laws concerning camping are usually deliberated by local government (e.g. region, country, town). I remember vaguely, from my studies of private law, that the civil code (and thus an ensemble of national laws) that it is possible also to camp in farm fields--if you do not damage the crop, and even without authorization from the field owner, but at the moment I do not remember the reference law that applies to this case.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/19981. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
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It is generally illegal in Denmark. You may sleep on all beaches, but you are not allowed to pitch a tent on beaches. In some state-forrests you may camp where you like.
More than 1.000 primitive campsites are scattered around the country. Most are free - some cost 1-3 euro pr. night. They may just be a lawn but some have shelters, firewood and access to water and toilet. These campsites are only for walking and biking users, so if you travel by car or motorcycle, you may not use them.
You can see the locations of camping-sites and forrests here: http://udinaturen.dk/?searchid=7653dbbf-b087-4c30-9edc-2517a02fd28e
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/7076. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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In Serbia it is legal and everywhere is free.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/4059. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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I think this is also called "Freedom to roam". Here is a list of countries with detailed information of what is allowed and not allowed around Europe: Freedom to roam.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/798. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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In Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland You can camp almost anywhere in forest and near public waters. Latvia is forest country, and You can camp almost anywhere. There are no restrictions. If the land owner doesn't want to allow it, he must place a sign. There are restrictions on national parks only. In national parks it's allowed in specific places only, but it's free anyway. It's similar in Estonia. You can camp almost anywhere except for nature reserves. If a landowner doesn't want you they must place a sign saying so. Try to avoid places near to houses.
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/5851. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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I can only answer for Switzerland. It's legal to "wildcamp" and most ground belongs to Farmers which can be asked anytime, and most of them will let you pitch your tent.
For more information see the following links (in German/French):
This post was sourced from https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/4027. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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