Post History
Diogmites on Manzanita 25 Jul 2005, Tonto National Forest, Arizona. I was hiking the Highline Trail below the Mogollon Rim when I came to an area with a lot of manzanita, just west of Horton Sprin...
#2: Post edited
- <h3>Diogmites on Manzanita</h3>
- 25 Jul 2005, Tonto National Forest, Arizona.
I was hiking the Highline Trail below the Mogollon Rim when I came to an area with a lot of manzanita, just west of Horton Spring. This diogmites gave me time to set up the camera and let me get reasonably close. This picture was taken with a 135 mm lens and extension tube. The above is a crop of about 3/4 in each dimension.- I was impressed with how well the diogmites was camouflaged. Its color closely matched the manzanita stems.
- <h3>Diogmites on Manzanita</h3>
- 25 Jul 2005, Tonto National Forest, Arizona.
- I was hiking the Highline Trail below the Mogollon Rim when I came to an area with a lot of manzanita, just west of Horton Spring. This diogmites gave me time to set up the camera and let me get reasonably close. The picture was taken with a 135 mm lens and extension tube. The above is a crop of about 3/4 in each dimension.
- I was impressed with how well the diogmites was camouflaged. Its color closely matched the manzanita stems.
#1: Initial revision
<h3>Diogmites on Manzanita</h3>  25 Jul 2005, Tonto National Forest, Arizona. I was hiking the Highline Trail below the Mogollon Rim when I came to an area with a lot of manzanita, just west of Horton Spring. This diogmites gave me time to set up the camera and let me get reasonably close. This picture was taken with a 135 mm lens and extension tube. The above is a crop of about 3/4 in each dimension. I was impressed with how well the diogmites was camouflaged. Its color closely matched the manzanita stems.