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Because it's not constructive to ask that the OP provide information one could find with a simple Google search. Broadly speaking there are two types of experts, People who already know the answer...
#1: Initial revision
Because it's not constructive to ask that the OP provide information one could find with a simple Google search. Broadly speaking there are two types of experts, 1. People who already know the answer and what the question is about. 2. Users who are willing to do some research to answer the question. If someone isn't in group 1 and won't enter a word into the search bar of their browser to look up what it means or is, then they aren't qualified to answer the question. The times where users who showed up and demanded that the OP explain things they weren't willing to expend any effort into researching always frustrated me, in this [example]( I had to copy the answer into the question because the so-called experts were not willing to scroll down the page. When I ask a question, I want the answers to come from people who know more than I do and the double standard where askers are expected to research their questions in advance while the answerers can demand that the OP provide the information they are not willing to look up or scroll down the page and read does not sit well with me. That type of double standard makes me doubt the quality of the answers I will receive and really dampened my enthusiasm for participating in the old site, I do not want to repeat that experience here.