Comments on How should I support a droopy basil seedling?
How should I support a droopy basil seedling?
Last year one of my CSA boxes contained a basil seedling in a 4" starter pot. I'd never grown herbs before, but I transplanted it to a pot, took care of it, and had a tasty bounty all summer. This year I ordered a couple seedlings from the same farm that had supplied the CSA.
They arrived two days ago, in smaller (2"? 3"?) plastic containers. With both of them, the stems couldn't support their own weight and were bent over, spilling out of the containers. I transplanted them into a larger pot, and since I've heard of people staking tomatoes, I stuck a couple supporters into the soil next to them and tied them loosely with twine. (I'm assuming I'll be able to remove those when the plants get a little stronger.) But I'm guessing here; I'm not an experienced gardener.
Is this a good approach, or am I harming the plants and I should just let them drape out of the pot and assume they'll grow strong enough to right themselves later? Or did the nursery send me sub-par seedlings and I should discuss it with them?
Here's a picture of my handiwork:
And for comparison, here is a picture of what they sent me last year at about this time:
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