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Comments on How can we grow this community?


How can we grow this community?


Codidact's communities have a lot of great content that is helping people on the Internet. Our communities are small, though, and sustainable communities depend on having lots of active, engaged participants. The folks already here are doing good work; our challenge is to find more people like you so we can help this community grow.

This calls for a two-pronged approach: reaching more people who would be interested if only they knew about us, and making sure that visitors get a good first impression. I'm here to ask for your help with both.

Reaching more people

The pool of people interested in the outdoors is large (even during a global pandemic). My question to you is: where do we find those people? You're the experts on this topic, not us. Where would it be most fruitful to promote Codidact? How should we appeal to them to draw them in?

Please don't give general answers like "sports clubs". We need your expert input to decide where, specifically, we should be looking. We are now able to pay for some advertising -- where should we direct it, and what message would best reach that audience? Can you help us sell your community?

Finally, some types of promotion are best done peer to peer. You are the experts in your topic; messages from you on subreddits or professional forums or the like will be much more credible than messages from Codidact staff. For these types of settings, we need your help to get the word out. If you know of a suitable place and can volunteer to spread the word there, please leave an answer about it so we all know about it (and know not to also post there).

Making a good first impression

Pretend for a moment that you don't know anything about Codidact. Visit this community in incognito mode. What's your reaction? If it's negative, what can we do about it? Some known deterrents from across the network:

  • Latest activity is not recent. This tells people the community isn't active. Anecdotally, we have lots of people ready to answer good questions, and on some communities, not enough good questions for them to answer. Can you help with that?

  • Latest questions are unanswered. This tells people it might not be worth asking here. Why are our unanswered questions unanswered? Are they poor questions in some regard? Unclear, too basic, too esoteric, just not interesting? Can they be fixed? Should they be hidden?[1]

  • Latest questions have poor scores. This tells people that either there's lots of low-quality material here or the voters are overly picky. If it's a quality problem, same questions as the previous bullet. If good content is getting downvoted, or not getting upvoted, can you help us understand why?

These are issues we've seen or heard about from across the network, but each community is different. What do you see here? What might be turning people away, and what could we do about it?

Are there things about the platform itself, as opposed to content, that discourage people we're trying to attract? If there's something we can customize to better serve this community, please let us know. If there are other changes in presentation or behavior that you think would encourage visitors to stick around, what are they?

Conversely, what is this community doing well? What draws newcomers in? I don't just mean the reverse of those bullets. What do we need to keep doing, and what might be worth highlighting when promoting this community?

  1. Should the question list not show some questions to anonymous visitors? What should the criteria be? ↩︎

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As far as this site goes, the rudeness has completely killed my willingness to ask questions, it's also why I stopped doing the photo contest.

To an extent the rudeness here is a copy of the rudeness on the SE site, there it stopped once the user(s) got suspended, but then after Codidact started they migrated here and continued. In other words, the arguments over rudeness give remind me of the unpleasant rudeness on SE because it's the same rudeness by some of the same rude users.

As the moderator its a double edge sword where I can delete the rude comments, but that means I have to read them, and were I not a moderator I feel like the comments would not be deleted especially given that some of the rude comments come from user(s) that moderate different Codidact sites.

Until the rudeness is fixed I do not see it being worth it to participate here and certainly feel unsupported by the Codidact staff on this issue.

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Different definition of "rudeness"? (4 comments)
Different definition of "rudeness"?
Olin Lathrop‭ wrote over 3 years ago

You've said similar things before, but there hasn't been much rudeness at all here. Asking users what research they have done, or even just pointing out that the site rules require some research before posting is not rude. Yet, comments like that have disappeared, presumably deleted by you? If so, then your idea of "rude" is very different from mine, and probably from most of the users here. Mods should at least roughly reflect the will of the active contributors. This should be discussed in meta to see where everyone is at. Perhaps you could undelete my meta post where I tried to do exactly that?

Mithical‭ wrote over 3 years ago

There seems to be a disconnect to some degree between various members of the community here about what constitutes "rude" comments, Olin Lathrop‭. Our Code of Conduct is intentionally fairly vague on that point, but it does say this:

Always be constructive, especially when giving feedback. Always presume that others are acting with good intent.

There are ways of giving feedback - including asking what research has been done and similar - that come across as not constructive; this can include an accusatory tone or dismissiveness, even if those weren't intended by the commenter. Rude comments here have - correctly - been removed by mods and staff in the past. I believe that we do need to establish a few guidelines for comments here, since it's been a contentious issue. It is something that's on the Codidact Team's radar and we're looking into how to handle this in the best way.

Trilarion‭ wrote over 3 years ago

Mithical‭ "It is something that's on the Codidact Team's radar and we're looking into how to handle this in the best way." For some categories like "Asking for research to be shown" there could simply be a Meta discussion about if and how such comments are appropriate. Consensus is always better than people just trying to push their own opinions. In any case the discussion about rudeness of comments will probably have to become more specific with specific examples. In my experience talking about unfriendliness in an abstract way is again open to interpretation. Some people would probably see asking for research to be shown as constructive feedback while others may not.

Olin Lathrop‭ wrote over 3 years ago · edited over 3 years ago

@Mithical: While there can be some disagreement about what is rude and not, some of the deleted comments wouldn't be interpreted as rude by any reasonable standards. For example "What research have you done to narrow this down? Why was it unsuccessful?".