Posts by Quora Feans
How do hunting licenses work when travelling abroad for hunting? It's not a case of re-locating to a new country, just spending some time there. Is there an international recognition of a national ...
Is the energy absorber of a gear kit for via ferratas for just one use? I mean, one fall and it has to be replaced? In the product description, there is often mention of it being "tearable."
Well, it seems wise not to do anything that could make you fall on your bottom, although I have the impression your hubby thinks pregnant women are made of sugar. That's not uncommon at all, BTW. ...
You seem to have a specific outdoor activity in mind, like trekking or climbing. But what about water sports? A sailing ship deck would be the most obvious place. Sometimes you won't move much, but...
If you have full stuffed bag full of laundry with two handles, how would you tie the handles?