Posts by Brad Patton
Additional items to consider. Swag for trading. My kids love to find and take new items. Only polite to leave something in it's place. Extra log books for when the ones there are wet or full. Zip...
I've seen mention of travel bugs (or trackables) on geocaching sites. What is a travel bug and what can I do with one?
Now that it is starting to get cold it is more difficult to use touchscreens while outdoors. I use both an iPhone and a Garmin GPS to geocache and both have touchscreens that require me to take my ...
Going skiing with another family next year and looking for two-way radios to use so we can stay in touch. I've used cell phones in the past but that can get awkward (and since we are going to Canad...
I carry a red Pilot G-2 with me at all times. Never know when you will find a nearby cache and I've made red my signature color.
The 'Lock & Lock' brand works well as the four-side locks ensures the seal is tight. has a listing of fundamental placement guidelines that include legal and and other restrictions like cache saturation. What are some more informal guidelines to follow when placing a...
Here is my list of places to avoid: School playground - Either on or near a school playground is not good. It greatly restricts the hours it can be found. It's ok to look for when I have my kids ...
Occasionally I've seen skiers free-heeling it down the slopes in telemark style but not understood why they do it. Is the main benefit for exercise, style, control or just to try something different?
A travel bug (or trackable) has a alphanumeric code that can be entered on the website to track its progress as it moves from cache to cache. You can purchase and enter your own code...
I know the base question is about survival but, based on your back story, one of my biggest concerns would be security. During the day when you are away you will need to take everything you value...