Posts by cr0
@JamesJenkins answer is pretty good. I'll add two points based on my experience as a forester. I think the 2nd point especially will help you find the info you're looking for, which is, TLDR: Fores...
I have a short camping trip coming up. This week, from using a wooden tool, I got blisters on my hands at the base of some fingers. In the future, ideally, I would take precaution to not get bliste...
The CDC recommends... Take steps to control mosquitoes inside and outside your home Use screens on windows and doors. Repair holes in screens to keep mosquitoes outside. Use air cond...
An example of the earthen material I have in mind, this video shows some daub prepared for a wattle-and-daub house at timestamp 7:45: Cob, cobb or clom (in Wales) i...
There is already a good answer to this but I'll add a slightly different perspective, especially since you noted in your question you want more general answers. For working in the forest - as in f...
With the little information provided the safest educated guess would be porcupine having a wintertime meal. An page on barkstripping discusses the issue and lists likely culprits and...
Inspired by a space blanket being included in emergency winter kits, I wonder if there's any rigorous study about whether these things actually work and in what ways to best use them. In my own ex...
As usual, skills are the lightest and most effective thing one can carry. From how to bushcraft useful things from natural materials, to clever ways to satisfy needs like signaling or navigation, t...
I'm interested in building a small Lincoln-log style cabin (more like a shed, <200 square feet) in hardiness zone 4/5 of northeast USA. Available timbers are mostly red spruce, some eastern heml...
I'm reiterating and expanding on highlights from other answers and adding a cautionary anecdote. First off, as noted in a comment, please confirm with local environmental protection agencies if yo...
I see lots of schools around different states and countries that teach wilderness skills and they seem to vary a lot in their basis (that is, what qualifies them to do what they do). Some are led b...
I spent a summer with two brothers from the Dominican Republic and they would call out to each other with a loud howl-like "FOOOOOOOOOOOO" sound that carried very well through fields, forests, and ...
The article Iron Production in the Viking Age on Hurstwic discusses sources of iron available in the wilderness of Scandinavia and Iceland. To my knowledge and experience, similar sources exist in ...
Putting together a lot of ideas already covered and adding some tips I've gotten over time. I don't have much natural insulation and get cold easily, so these tips have all been important for me. ...
Related to flith's answer, noise can be a deterrent. The same way fires are prohibited in some areas, making too much noise may also be frowned upon, so this may not be a viable strategy depending ...
Disclaimer: I go with tarps or tents instead of Bivy's but have used them before. Necessary: Protects you from water Protects you from strong winds Some ventilation (through openings or fabrics)...
A good wilderness first-aid reference is included below to give you a better grasp on how to handle different wounds. Here's some key points for a wound like a knife wound you described. Note that ...
Working in a very tick infested woods for a summer, I accumulated many tick-bites (before learning the wonders of vinegar solutions for repelling ticks). Most of the tick removals were done at the ...
Remote, private land with no 'improvements'. Dirt road access up to a small field with a campfire, stream down a hill nearby, surrounded by vast woodland. A group of ~20 people gathering on site f...
Though this may be related to the outdoors because of its inherent outdoor nature and its relevance to enjoying the Great Outdoors, I think radpin's comment may be right that this is about meditati...
TL;DR: comb your scalp systematically with your fingers, wash your hair to remove them from hair (be careful with laundry carrying ticks home too), and try to catch/prevent them getting into your h...
In the east there is less wild land and more people exploring the natural areas that are available. I'm big on pathless forests, and to find these places I've learned to either seek out privately o...
When it comes to survival gear in wilderness scenarios, one needs to consider A) the utility of the equipment, and B) how difficult it is to find or craft the equipment from materials in the field....
I've done a few scuba dives and really enjoy it, except (diving or not) I get cold quickly when submerged. I have very low body fat and relatively low blood pressure (though I am healthy overall) ...
By puncturing the cambium of the tree with bullets you are on the way to girdling it. Girdling a tree happens when enough of the circumference of the tree has been damaged just beneath the bark so ...