I use this bow pack when I want a lightweight solution. Here is a link:
I think that Klara pretty much nailed it. I've been stoveless for a bit now, and I haven't found any hidden gems that people aren't aware of. What I do find is that on longer treks where the food ...
It might be a translation issue: Camping means 'zelten' in German, 'Zelt' means tent. "Zelten verboten!" means no camping, even without a tent.
This topic is very near & dear to me, as I've made a "Life-Science" out of getting along in the "Out-Of-Doors" without having to carry along a ton of "victuals & viands;" tuck, or tucker; o...
What has probably happened is that the thread used on the boots has deteriorated. I would hand sew it, but only after studying the best knots to employ in the repair. Be sure to use the same holes ...
re Epping Forest: Epping Forest is quite thin... plus it's near enough urban areas (Essex, eek!) that I'd be slightly concerned about being beaten up by urban Yoof, and/or laughed at, as I approach...
You have two basic options: You can carve a hook with or without a barb from wood or bone. Some examples of the finished product are here1: You can splice two pieces of material together fo...
Basal metabolic rate is about 75 watts. That is, this is the price of keeping a normal body temperature. Can drop some during sleep. Light exercise -- you can talk, but not sing without excessive...
Rubbing alchohol is also an effective disinfectant. However, the problem is more general: Wearing socks inside foot boxes on a day in, day out basis is the root. Recommendations to prevent a r...
Edit: My bad. Poster is asking for globe -- the glass enclosure on the outside, not the fine thorium oxide ash mantle that breaks so easily. In passing: The lantern can be operated without a gl...
Traditionally a bear bag was simply something to hold your food out of reach of bears. This usually meant finding a way to suspend it from a high branch, and in this instance it's usually sufficie...
Put a hand warmer in your chalk bag- it's great.
If you are backpacking or trying to travel light, bring a separate tent for the dog. There are lots of small tents built with this in mind. Even a small tarp will do the trick, if you aren't worrie...
Context Mountaineers sooner or later must climb ice and snow and camp for days at a time in high altitude. Rock climbers climb rock and in winter the rock that forms on climbs that are quite sm...
Yes, it has been done! You can try contacting the people at Paradox Sports; this sort of adaptive climbing is exactly what they do. In terms of personal experiences, there are a couple of threads...
Of course, there are many long-distance hiking trails without any available maps. As far as I'm aware, none of the European long-distance trails have dedicated end-to-end maps, unless you count Op...
Put Heat Warmers in your climbing shoes and in your gloves, put a big puffy on. Jumping jacks, lots of jumping jacks, get your heart rate up and get your blood flowing and warmed up. Climb, the f...
Red River Gorge is one of my favorite places I've climbed and I've only been in the summer months. Yes it is more humid, but it's not unbearable, though I'm from the Southeast so I'm a bit used to ...
You could look at bungee cord hooks. They're pretty cheap and come in a bunch of sizes, plus you can bend and adjust them to suit your purpose. You can get them attached to bungee cord, as a lengt...
There are many homegrown solutions to this, such as latex glue or even duct tape. If you want to be extra cautious though, approach it like you were patching it. Find the recommended patch kit for ...
The Kungsleden (lit. kings way in Swedish) is a 440 km long trail in northern Sweden/Scandinavia. From Wiki: The trail is separated in four portions which each represent approximately one...
Most hummingbirds are attracted to red flowers in the wild. Therefore, a hummingbird feeder should mimic red flowers for best results. The color of the "nectar" itself doesn't matter. After all,...
If your tarp is heavy duty enough, I'd expect it to work. Most blue plastic tarps are fairly thin and weak, so while it might work, it would be risky. The difficulty is that you will be abrading ...
Well, it depends on you. For example: When I was 16 years old, my parents moved into a small bedroom, and I got the "master bedroom" (the biggest bedroom of the house!). Why? Because in this 2 s...
It really depends on locations so if you are traveling make a point to check. Your local club should be able to give you all the info for your area and abroad if they organize group dives in other ...