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1.9k posts
+0 −0
Q&A How many days does it take to reach hiking X miles per day?

Months not days. Walking is a sport. Like any sport, you need to train your sport-specific muscles over months before you start getting really serious. If not, instead of getting progressively str...

posted 6y ago by Graham‭  ·  last activity 6y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Why do almost all backpacking packs have top compartment ("brain compartment") zippers facing backwards?

While I don't have a definitive answer, I do have a few anecdotal / personal experience reasons to prefer the zipper across the back. In order to keep terminology consistent, the "back of the pack"...

posted 6y ago by erfink‭

+1 −0
Q&A What is bushcrafting?

Bushcrafting: also known as wilderness skills or primitive living. Many people less familiar with the skills associate it with wilderness survival because of similarities and overlap. I don't thin...

posted 6y ago by Loduwijk‭

+0 −0
Q&A How do you take field notes at below 0 °C, without freezing fingers?

Let me suggest that some acclimatization may help (though I'm not sure how practical this is). I was personally rather astonished how much we can actually adapt to cold weather: I spent a winter...

posted 6y ago by cbeleites supports Monica‭  ·  last activity 5y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Do emergency space blankets actually work?

Yes, they do. Their task is to reflect as much of the heat radiation of your body back to it, while also inhibiting heat convection and conduction as good as possible without becoming bulky. They a...

posted 6y ago by Paul Paulsen‭

+1 −0
Q&A What is an efficient and effective way to test an emergency day-hike kit?

There are two ways to test gear like this, Do it in a situation where it won't matter. Go without a sleeping bag for a night with it still in your backpack. Use a space tarp instead of your rea...

posted 6y ago by Charlie Brumbaugh‭

+0 −0
Q&A What equipment do I need for overnight water trail in a kayak?

My wife and I are avid inland, freshwater kayakers - both on calm lakes and up/down rivers and streams. We have only done day trips. We are also moderately experienced backcountry campers. Now w...

1 answer  ·  posted 5y ago by nexus_2006‭  ·  last activity 5y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Cargo capacity of a kayak

I've been paddling three times (one week each) in rental (Canadian) canoes. My girlfriend and me brought all gear and food with us and there still was plenty of room for our dog in the boat. I kno...

4 answers  ·  posted 5y ago by Jasper‭  ·  last activity 5y ago by System‭

Question kayaks
+3 −0
Q&A Equipment for driving off road in the Northeast United States

I talk a little about the different kinds of 4x4 vehicles in my answer to this question you don't say what type of vehicle you have, make sure the terrain you want to cross and your vehicle are com...

posted 5y ago by James Jenkins‭  ·  edited 4y ago by James Jenkins‭

+1 −0
Q&A Clothing for cold weather hiking

My configuration in cold weather is: Head: Wool hat when dry, additionally hood from rain jacket when wet. Upper body: Merino wool base layer (not too thick for me because I tend to be warm), may...

posted 5y ago by Snijderfrey‭  ·  last activity 5y ago by System‭

+2 −0
Q&A Camping in Yosemite in March

My girlfriend and I camped at Hodgdon Meadow last year in May, we had very colder weather and snow. During the day the temperature at the upper elevations went as low as -10 Celcius with a cold win...

posted 5y ago by BKlassen‭  ·  last activity 5y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A What conditions should lead an alpine team to abandon a mountain climb/expedition?

Short answer: As soon as it's determined that continuing could run the risk of someone getting into trouble or sustaining an injury. We had to abandon a cave-surveying expedition this past summer...

posted 5y ago by ShemSeger‭  ·  last activity 5y ago by System‭

+4 −0
Meta How to refine search for multiple words?

There's now a help center article available at /help/search that has some guidance on how to refine your searches. To quote from the relevant section: plain search If you put the text snake oil ...

posted 4y ago by Mithical‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Mithical‭

+0 −0
Q&A How much rain (realistically) could a packaway rain jacket take?

Thinking about getting a small packaway rain jacket to keep in the car for emergencies like this or this. However, I'm slightly worried at the amount of bad weather they could withstand going by ...

1 answer  ·  posted 8y ago by Al M‭  ·  last activity 7y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Rain soaked leather jacket- how to repair?

I have a genuine full grain 1.3 mm cow hide motorcycle jacket that was caught in rain. It wasn't a downpour but I was in the rain long enough for the jacket to be pretty wet, not just the surface. ...

1 answer  ·  posted 9y ago by gptt916‭  ·  last activity 7y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Dealing with Sap on a Tent

Basically as the title states. I placed my tent under a tree at the weekend to give a bit of respite against the torrential rain while setting it up. Said rain has mixed with sap laden leaves (whic...

5 answers  ·  posted 10y ago by Dynadin‭  ·  last activity 6y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A What is the proper way to tarp tent to avoid condensation?

I tried pitching a tarp instead of a tent this weekend. In worked well, kept off the rain etc, except for the condensation. It was far worse than any condensation I've ever had in a tent. We had...

6 answers  ·  posted 12y ago by Russell Steen‭  ·  last activity 11y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A What are the downsides to sleeping in a hammock on a multi-day hike?

Hammocks are cold. The weight of your body compresses the clothes or sleeping bag, and air circulates underneath you, as opposed to a tent where you usually have a pad and the ground for insulation...

posted 13y ago by xpda‭

+0 −0
Q&A How can I avoid putting cinder burn holes in my clothing?

This is especially problematic if you dress up in layers, the last one being, for example, a raincoat. Putting a burn hole through your rain coat let's the rain in... Are there some tricks in fire...

4 answers  ·  posted 13y ago by Shawn‭  ·  last activity 13y ago by System‭

Question gear fire
+0 −0
Q&A What levels of 'waterproofness' and 'breathability' should I be looking for in a ski jacket?

As a rough guide to waterproofness - 5000mm is generally rainproof but won't necessarily stand up well to torrential rain. Around 15000 should be fine in that context. If you go higher than that th...

posted 13y ago by berry120‭

+0 −0
Q&A What is the impact of clothing color in a tropical jungle environment?

According to one study of one species of mosquito, "attractiveness was found to vary inversely with their reflectivity or brightness, although the different textures represented in the series tende...

posted 13y ago by Lost‭  ·  last activity 13y ago by System‭

+0 −0
Q&A Does any tent manufacturer promise to have replacement parts?

A few years ago I got a 2-person tent for backpacking. At some point, I let the rain fly get too hot. It became sticky and its waterproof coating peeled. I tried to buy a replacement rain fly, but...

3 answers  ·  posted 12y ago by Nathan Long‭  ·  last activity 8y ago by System‭

Question tents backpacking
+0 −0
Q&A Does wash in waterproofing work on a non-waterproof shell?

I'm considering an ultralight (non-waterproof) shell and Nikwax wash-in waterproofing as a rain layer. I'd like it to be waterproof through several wearings (a week or more). Does this result...

2 answers  ·  posted 12y ago by Russell Steen‭  ·  last activity 7y ago by System‭

+1 −0
Q&A Does wash in waterproofing work on a non-waterproof shell?

My one experience can be summarised as "ish". It definitely helped / worked in light rain, so if that's all you're trying to achieve then it should be fine. But for heavy rain or pressing the garme...

posted 12y ago by berry120‭

+0 −0
Q&A What is the proper way to tarp tent to avoid condensation?

A poor tarp pitch can lead itself to condensation. Did you use a plastic ground sheet? Water running under the tarp when it's raining can cause a lot of humidity inside the tarp. Were you pitched...

posted 12y ago by Corey D‭  ·  last activity 12y ago by System‭
