My girlfriend and I camped at Hodgdon Meadow last year in May, we had very colder weather and snow. During the day the temperature at the upper elevations went as low as -10 Celcius with a cold win...
Storing the backpack inside instead of next to you won't provide a whole lot more security, in some crowded places where theft is more common it might be justified. Normally, if I am worried about...
I'd advise against plugging in a 30 to 15 amp converter and using it directly. If something short circuits in your 15 amp cabling it might not be enough to trip the 30 amp breaker (if there even is...
First, try with more 'coils', when you tie the taut-line hitch; every coil adds some friction. An alternative, that I, myself, like a lot, since I find it easier to tie, is the Farrimond Friction ...
What about Chesapeake Ohio Canal Trail near of Washington DC?
Horses, mules, donkeys (burros), llamas and alpacas are widely used as pack animals. They would definitely be a help for an extended trek in the wilderness, provided you are capable of managing the...
I have recently been stung by spider wasps ; ID is not easy as all I have seen is a small black wasp flying away. I had single stings on 4 days of a 5 day period so I could try different treatments...
A few decades ago, I raised Saanens goats as part of a small farm. I also liked to hike. I did some research and found that 'pack goats' where in use in some places. The have a number of positiv...
There is an old adage One blanket underneath is worth two on top. but I can find little support for this idea except a mention on mumsnet. The reasoning is, that the floor or the ground unde...
This is called horse packing. It is a totally different outdoor activity to hiking. There are places you cannot go with horses/mules and caring for an animal is a lot of work. Some people love it a...
Here are a few sources I found, in order from most user-friendly to most technical. iNaturalist has data about where fish were actually observed. Anyone can post geo-located pictures of organisms ...
That is almost certainly some variety of wintergreen, likely alpine wintergreen (Gaultheria humifusa). See for ...
A "rule" here is pointless. It matters what you feel like, and what the consequences are of getting the remaining layers wet. Your body will tell you whether it is too hot or too cold at the momen...
Putting on a snug fitting pair of latex or nitrate gloves on first and then putting the winter gloves on is a good solution. You often see nurses or mechanics wearing these types of gloves to keep ...
There are a lot of variable's Season: Summer has more sun then other times of the year Direction of travel: The charger needs to face direct sun to be most effective, You can't just put it on you...
I now have over 100 miles towing the canoe with my homemade trailer hitch pictured in the question. A schedule 40 PVC 1 1/4 (or 1 1/2?) to 1 inch connector is used as the hitch, the bike has a q...
Balance... A vest for a limited amount of stuff, is a quick easy replacement for Combining a Frontpack with a Backpack while hiking
If you're worried about fan heaters because they all seem to have a poor safety record... that wouldn't be entirely unjustified. There do exist reputable models that won't leave small plastic puddl...
Spring to fall is the breeding season. While they can have a litter every 28 days. The best research I am finding suggests they have 3 to 5 litters per year, with 1 to 8 kits (babies). By some est...
So long as it's still holding butane and not deeply pitted you should be fine. I would assume that if it was already cracked through the butane would have already escaped. They don't seem to be rea...
Your question asked about opened packages. I'm going to offer a bit of a frame challenge. Don't store opened packages long-term in your trailer; rotate them into your kitchen and use them, and buy...
In addition to the answer by @Pastychomper which seems to be the most likely reason in this specific case, crows often seem to leave dry food into puddles/small ponds in order to make it easier to...
The answer to this depends fairly heavily on the specifics of what, exactly, you're doing. "Kayaking" can mean anything from play boats in a pool to whitewater and hydraulic entrapment risks. White...
Distill (doesn't work well on the go) Technically you could distill the water, but this takes a long time and uses a lot of fuel. I'm not sure how many ounces of water you can distil with an ounce...
Here is the website of some private travel agency. I would try to message them in IG. FYI, they offer camping trips at The Black Sea, not sure about mountain ...